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Timeskip 3 months later...

Me and Rex have been together for quite a while now, gravely in love with eachother. Rex was the most beautiful person I'd ever met. They cut their own bangs, their frizzy hair refusing to curl.

"Good morning..." I hear a sweet voice whisper in my ear, their hands resting on my hips and their lips kissing my neck.

"Good morning darling!" I giggle, turning around to kiss Rex good morning.

I greet Rex like this every morning, but this time they got to school early and were able to surprise me before class. We have a very important schedule each day; kiss eachother in the morning with a hug, kisses between each period, and a kiss and hug at the end of the day before going home.

Today Rex was wearing their favorite outfit. It was a black Green Day hoodie with capris skinny jeans on. Rex loved skinny jeans, even more so capris. I pulled my books out of my locker and kissed them again, before closing my locker and holding Rex's hand as we walked to theirs.

"How was your sleep love?" Rex asks me, swinging our clasped hands back in forth.

"Aww honey you know I get 8 hours every night. You?" I smile softly, feeling a warm blush form on my cheeks.

Even though Rex hasn't done anything exceptionally special to make me blush, I often find myself smiling and biting my lip from the mere thought of them. I just constantly remind myself of how happy they make me, and how fortunate I am to be with them.

"My sleep was okay. Mostly stayed up thinking about school and stuff tho." Rex speaks slowly, as if to understand what they're saying as they say it.

"Well I stayed up thinking about you." I say, bumping into their shoulder gently.

"I thought you said you had a good night's sleep?" They joked, bumping me back.

"Fine. Dreamt about you. Alllllllll night." I smirked, causing Rex to blush and snap their head away.

I can't help the blush appearing on my face, their flustered behavior never seizes to fill me with happiness. When we get to their locker, Rex opens it and puts their bag in, pulling out a stuffed animal from one of the many compartments of their bag.

"Here love!" They hand me a small pink dino stuffie.

"It's a weighted dino, since I know you get tummy aches alot. I hope it helps!" Rex blushes and looks away as I take the stuffed dino.

"Thank you..." I say, looking up from the dino to see Rex blushing profusely.

I hold the dino in one hand as I grab Rex's cheek and pull them to look at me. They blush even harder and I take the opportunity to kiss them. And not a peck or anything like that, I go for a long kiss.

When I pull away, they're wearing a big goofy smile. They grab and hug me tightly, squealing and biting their lip in pure joy. I laugh and kiss them again, their innocent, but heavily in love expression makes butterflies swarm in my chest.

"I love you!" Rex giggles into my shoulder, lifting their head to kiss my neck softly.

"I love you too." I say, before the bell rings.

I'm sitting in math class when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I wait for Ms. Murray to look away so I can pull it out and check who texted, but she never does. Oh wait... I can just check my watch.

Girls bathroom
Last stall

I raise my hand so I can ask to go to the bathroom, and once she lets me, I leave the classroom hurriedly, excitement and suspense weighting down every step as I draw nearer to the girls bathroom.

I pass each stall slowly, until I reach the last one, the door being closed. I knock three times, and wait for Rex to open the door. I hear shuffling and then the door finally opens, revealing a puffy and red-eyed Rex.

"Baby! What happened?" I hurry into the stall and lock the door behind me, taking Rex into my arms.

"I sniff I don't know! Sniff sniff I just got a sudden sniff overwhelming feeling or something..." Rex says, their voice breaking into a sob.

"Oh darling... Look at me. Hey! Look at me! Just focus on me, okay? Breathe love. Deep breaths, okay? Together. Let's take some deep breaths." I try to calm them down, bringing both my hands to their cheeks to fixate their, and as per usual, it works.

Red stops crying and starts taking in deep breaths with me, their face remaining red, but not as distraught looking. They stare longingly into my eyes, as if searching for an answer. They're clear blue eyes are now cloudy and dull, glazed by tears and sorrow.

I move my thumb to wipe away a tear threatening to slip out onto their cheek. Rex takes in a sharp breath, followed by a whimper, and their face crumples up like a piece of paper becoming a paper ball. They pull away, out of my hands, and turn from me so I can't see them crying.

"Oh baby... Please talk to me..." I whisper as Rex wipes their face and blows their nose with toilet paper.

"I don't know I'm sorry..." They murmur, sniffling.

I put my hands on their face again, kissing them lightly, and then putting our foreheads together. Rex sniffles some more, before hugging me, and mumbling something.

"Rapunzel please stop with the mumbling- you know how I feel about the mumbling! Blah blah blah-" I smile and quote a movie Rex and I watched together a couple days ago.

Rex kisses me to shut me up. They smile and laugh lightly, tucking a strand of hair behind their ear.

"What I was trying to say, was thank you. Thank you for being here for me. I love you." They blush, but don't look away this time.

They kiss me slowly, moving their hands to my waist, their hands searching for where my shirt ends. I have my shirt tucked into my pants, so this task isn't easy.

"Whoooaaaa... Weren't you just crying? Silly goose." I speak jokingly, a laugh in my voice, and they give me a devious smile while lifting up my shirt.

"You want me to stop?" They ask, and I bite my lip to try and hide the smile growing on my face. I push them back, pinning them to the white tiled wall in the girls bathroom.

"Never darling." I kiss them, biting their lip lightly.

Rex moves their hands to my waist, and back up under my shirt to squeeze the sides of my waist and stomach. I kiss them again, putting my hand on their neck to hold them in place.


The bell rings, making Rex and I stop in our tracks. We rapidly tidy ourselves up, fearing the consequences of "skipping" class. The teachers consider it skipping; extra long bathroom breaks.

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