Our Story

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A/N: Wattpad still hasn't fixed the photo issue, sorry guys. This chapter is in Rex's POV. Enjoy!! <33

She's gone. Autumn, my girlfriend, is gone. And yet, I don't feel that bad. I mean I liked her, but I always held a longing in my stomach for Delilah.

After the party, Delilah was there for me throughout everything. She helped me through my emotions, all my problems, everything. And never asked for anything in return.

We haven't talked about our relationship that much, but she expressed to me that she had, and has, feelings. And I know what I want to do, but I'm scared about doing it.

She's coming over today to pick me up, 5pm sharp, she said. I'm excited to see the surprise she has planned for me this afternoon, but quickly realize I'm not dresses or ready at all.

I grab a white collared shirt, some black pants, and a cute checkered vest. I stuff a small oldy colored mini-bag with my phone, some money, and my keys. I'm ready to go.

I hear a knock at the door and fly down the stairs, pulling on my best up vans. I open the door to see Delilah dressed in a floor length green skirt, with a white lace trimmed tank top, and a cute brown sweater on top.

She's got a leather bag crossbody with pins and embroidered flowers decorating the front.

"I uh- I got you these." A shy smile forms on her face as she pulls a bouquet of flowers out from behind her back.

"T-Thank you..!" I feel a smile tug at the corners of my lips and a hot blush decorate my cheeks.

We climb into her car and before we pull out of my driveway Delilah requests I wear a blindfold. I give her a confused and skeptical smile, but comply. As we drive, we talk about the recent deaths of our love interests. Or ex-love-interests.

After about 15 minutes, Delilah tells me were here. I reach to remove my blindfold, but am stopped by Delilah's hand. She says I can't remove it just yet. She helps my sightless ass out of the car, and holds my hand as she leads me somewhere.

"Okay, you can take it off now!" I pull my hand out of hers and pull up my blindfold to see were at the beach.

"Oh my- The beach?! Dee!!" I smile uncontrollably as I attempt to grasp the idea of this being real.

"That's not all!" She says, smiling and retreating towards the car.

She pulls a picnic basket out of the backseat, and her eyes gleam with admiration. She clutches my hand, leading me to a part of the beach that's sheltered by trees. There's a little creek, and Delilah lays out a blanket on the grass.

While Delilah sets up, I admire this little bite of paradise. The beach has a couple isolated grass patches where trees sprout out, like islands in a sea of golden sand.

The creek beside us trickles out into the sea, travelling through both the grass patch, and the sand. When I look back down at Delilah, she's got everything set up and ready, waiting for me to sit down.

She has sandwiches and salads and even a cake for dessert. It's incredible, she must have thought about this alot to get every second right.

After we eat, she packs up everything and tells me she didn't really think about what comes next. She seems a bit flustered now, less confident and organized, so I take over.

"I think I saw a frog!" I point towards the creek, hoping she gets distracted.

"What?! Where?? Omg if you're fucking with me istg Rexie you're so dead-" She gets up and looks around in the creek, not stepping too close.

"Rexie?" I feel butterflies flood my stomach, a stampede of flustered emotions.

"You don't like it? I'm sorry I'll stop if you don't like-" Her hands glue to her face, as if to tear it off for talking.

"I do like it!" I blurt out, grabbing her wrists and pulling them down off her face.

Her face un-crinkles, and a tantalizing aura fills her eyes. Her eyes delve deeply into mine, causing my breath to hitch.

"I like you" The words slip out of her mouth effortlessly.

Delilah's face contorts in horror as she rips away from me, covering her mouth with one of her hands. I try to grab her but she backs up, her mind spiraling out of control. I finally manage to grab hold of her, pulling her hands away from her face.

"Hey hey hey! Look at me! Breathe." I take a deep breath in, and she repeats.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I didn't think I didn't mean to say that I-" she continues spiraling, but with words this time. I hold her straight and hug her.

"Please calm down so I can talk to you." I whisper, and she hugs me back. Tightly.

"I'm sorry." She says, pulling away. She turns her head away from me to wipe tears from her eyes, embarrassed.

"I like you too. There, was it so hard to let me say that?" I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Delilah looks at me, confused and dumbfounded. She starts laughing, at first quietly, them growing louder and fuller. She grabs me and hugs me tight, so I pick her up and spin her around. When I place her back down on her feet, her face dulls, becoming serious.

"Pinky promise?" She asks, sticking out her pinky finger for me to lock onto.

"Pinky promise." I say, intertwining our pinkies. I put my hand on her cheek and yearn for more.

"May I?" I look into her vibrant hazel eyes for an answer, but it's her lips that greet me with approval.

"Please do." She puts her hand on my chest and I lock her lips onto mine.

We hold this embrace for what feels like forever, but when she pulls away, it suddenly feels like it wasn't long enough. She rests her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I knew our story wasn't over." She says, sleep tugging at her eyes.

"I think it's time we went home." I say, gently kissing the top of her head.

A/N: Yes this story is taking inspiration from heartstopper NOBODY CAN STOP ME MUAHAHAHAHA also thank you all for reading!! Love you guys <33
✧☆ Kazzle Dazzle ☆⁠✧
✧☆ Darkle Sparkle ☆⁠✧
Wesper forever <3 I'm auditioning for season 3 of the show btw y'all hehe

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