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A men in his early thirties was sitting on ground . attaching his back to the bed .

His two fingers were delicately holding cigarette . taking puffs of smoke out.

He hair was wet and sweaty.
He whole room was messed up.

He smashed his cigarette on the ground.slowly placed his head on the bed.He looked at ceiling of dark room .

He slowly got up and wore his hoodie and coat .
He never really cared about his looks mainly when he was just going for last day of shoot for the his new drama .

He covered up his face with mask .
He doesn't wasn't uncessary opions in the morning.

He doesn't wasn't uncessary opions in the morning

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He went down his bodygaurd opened door for him .

"Good. Morning sir "bodygaurd said bowing to him .

Taehyung never gives any reply his face held the cold look and entered the car .

Bodyguard cursed him internally he was always like this .What can they expect from him .He is biggest playboy ,a rich brat and coldest person.

Bodyguard went inside and sat on the passenger seat and they went to the set .

They came to set area . Taehyung went inside the set .

"I need to early today it will complete fast right "bodyguard asked his driver .

"I don't think sir today is last day of set lots of things happens on last days of set . many times the female main lead film set starts fight like taehyung betrayed him or something "driver said .

"I don't know what's his problem can't he settle with one he is alredy in his thirtees i think he didn't find his half "bodyguard said .

"I don't think even if he finds he will not stay loyal to them ".driver said .

On other side .

Bunny hair boy was running for bus .or else he will be late .

Jungkook pov's:

Hi ,I am Jungkook am an actor, not famous that's why I couldn't afford any car for my self .

Just few days ago my new drama was released .Many of them like it I so happy for it .

So I got rest for few days. But today my manager called me to come to the company .

My company is not that famous company .It was was just existing .I was having my peaceful sleep my manager has to distrub me .

I wore mask the incase if I had any fan only few know me still I can't risk.

I wore mask the incase if I had any fan only few know me still I can't risk

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I quickly went inside my company . removing the mask and beanie .which was given by my co actor Lisa she was also new to the industry and this was her first drama .our drama was simple school love story .

I saw my manager who was tapping his feet while sitting his chair holding his phone.

"Oh jungkook your finally here "manager said .

"Good morning jin Hyung "I said he was my manager since start .

"Good morning I have a good new and a surprise ".He said .

"What is good news ".

"The good news is your recent drama got recognition they said it was nominated for best new favourite couple and favourite drama ".jin said .

"Really "I said and hugged him .

It was special for me as it was the main awards I got awards before too but this award winning will more like Oscar for me.

"What is surprise "I asked him.

"We got opportunity for our company to do a dance performance in the award show .
And namjoon gave your name "jin said avoiding eye contact .

Yeah getting opportunity for dance is really big thing many actors , director's will be present there I will get more opportunities but the problem is I don't have time .

"It's good thing hyung but the award show is day after tomorrow what if I messed up I will make clown of my self. ".

"Please jungkook it's important for company you can dance really well just take your short friend help to know new steps ".jin said me.

I just gave small nod.

Jimin hyung entered the company he was also actor but was very good at dancing .

"Hi hyung "

"Hi kook we don't have time we have to practice dance ".

We went inside the practice room with blasting music.

That's how my day went I was totally exhausted due to hard dance steps.jimin hyung went away with his boyfriend only me I slowly went house and discharged my self on the bed.


So yeah I am trying to write point of views. It's very important for this story .Hope it works .

Also there will something I wanna tell you it will not like every story where actors really have to kiss on sets .
Just remember that there is nothing like that in my book just think the drama will not show that much skin ship between the actors .
And no kiss or anything .

Please share your thoughts thank you

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