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Jungkook got up with smell of pancakes .
He looked around taehyung was sleeping peacefully while holding him .

Mom must be making it Jungkook thought.
He looked at older .he slowly touched elders cheeks delicately so other won't get up.

He did best decision signing the deal for a fashion brand and coming to USA it was truly destiny to find the older .

Till today he was thankful for himself for signing deal when he was in his lowest point .

He admired older for few minutes he kissed him on forehead and cheek softly before moving out bed .

He got up and took pant to wear he can't go like this infornt of his mom .

He closed door and went down . was in the kitchen. Making breakfast.

"Good morning mom "jungkook said entering the kitchen turned around gave him big boxy smile same as taehyung's.

SHe went near and hugged him

"Good Morning baby how are you " asked jungkook breaking the hug.

Jungkook was angel for them he was reason taehyung was with her today .

"Am good mom How are you "jungkook asked .

"Am good baby we just miss you " said .

Jungkook pouted "me too " he said .

"I will help you mom "jungkook tried to help her .
But stopped him .

"No baby it was almost done I know you will left in few hours just spend you time with tae he miss you alot " said .

Jungkook knows how older misses him but they are not in position to do anything taehyung can't come to Korea and he can't move to US .

Jungkook gave a small nod he went up to wake the older for breakfast .
He went inside the room taehyung was still sleeping.

He went near him .

"Wake up baby "he said softly caressing olders cheeks .

Taehyung immediately got up as he heard the voice not daily he will here that only 2 days in week and he can't waste his time just sleeping.

"Hey clam down "jungkook said .sitting on bed.

Taehyung looked at younger and hugged him .

"You will leaving today "older asked .

Jungkook can feel hurt in that voice he hugged him more tightly and kissed his shoulder.

"I will come back in few day tae don't miss me too much baby".Younger said .

They stayed in there position for few minutes.

"Mom made breakfast baby get up".
Jungkook said .

Taehyung got up from the bed and he took towel in his hand and looked at younger who was setting bed .

"Join me "taehyung said .

Younger smiled at older "of course "he said and went after older .

Both were in bath robes in there closet choosing the outfit.

Taehyung looked at younger how droplets of water falling on his pale neck and collar bone .

Taehyungs totally lost it .

He grabbed younger and slapped him to wall.
And started suck younger neck .

Younger moaned when felt oldess warm lips on his neck .he fisted older hair and and titled his head .Taehyung caressed younger waist slowly untying the robe .

He continued to suck younger neck leaving dark hickeys ..

Jungkook didn't stopped older .it only few time older react like this he shows his emotion in way aggressively kissing kook .like some one will snatch him away in few minutes..

Taehyung leaved the neck looked at koo who was looking ethereal with tears in his eye and red lips form continues biting .

He smashed his lips on younger and sucked on youngers lips .

Kook retured kiss him back holding olders neck. The kiss was not at all soft they kissing each other roughly .

They don't want this moment to end.

Taehyung finally broke the kiss younger was painting heavily.

He closed his eyes and leaned on olders chest before hugging him.

They don't much time to doing anything.

They dressed up. Younger covered his hickeys with concealer. Before going down .

They went down and had there breakfast fast along with

It was time jungkook stood and hugged

"Take care of yourself mom "kook said hugging her .

"You too bunny"she Said .

Jungkook went to taehyung .

"Take care baby i will back soon hmm" jungkook said looking at older .

Taehyung smiled looking at younger who was worried about him.

"don't think too much about me baby I will fine mama is here with .take of yourself baby .take good rest and don't overwork ok"taehyung asked caressing his cheeks .

Jungkook gave a small nod .

He gave peck on olders lips before going.

Jungkook started towards the hotel.

On other hand jin entered hotel he was about to pass the reception area but a lady stopped him .

" jungkook haven't came back hotel after the event this is the key for room "she said .

"Thank you "jin said and went towards the room.

'What kook was doing out instead of staying in hotel 'he took phone and called him.

"Hello hyung ".

"Hello kook where are you ".jin asked

"Oh hyung I just came to park near by I will reach soon "jungkook lied to him.

"Ok "jin said .

Jin was doubting younger more these days as he can see younger coming to us each week with and not returning the hotels at night .

He was sure younger was with someone else.

He thought taehyung but again it was not possible.

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