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Taehyung was working busy he didn't have much time .he stay up late today as many were coming for coffe break .the grandma doesn't want to close the cafe this early especially when it was winter night .

Grany left the cafe only taehyung was handling .it was already past 10 .

Taehyung was inside the kitchen he didn't notice that someone entered the cafe .

He was done with cleaning dishes he washed his hands he wiped his hands with towel .he walked placing towel on table.. There was person standing infornt of his paintings.

He was wearing expensive long solid black coat .

"How may I help ".taehyung asked .
He looked at person with wavy hair who was still not looking back.

Taehyung went little closer to call him again.
But his mouth got sealed when he looked at person .

His love was standing right infont looking gorgeous as ever .
He never thought of seeing again he left everything on that day .His left his first-love ,his family ,his disappointments he left every pain that he was holding for long time .

He left every hope of continuing his life with younger .He was just praying for younger happy life .
Only thing he was carrying with him was his love for jungkook which will never fade,he can never leaveit .it will never leave him.

Life will really give you most unexpected thing .He never even thought of encountering younger .

He looked at younger .youngers lips were wobbling .his beautiful doe filled with tears .

Taehyung wants to run away from this but he couldn't he want to look at his love for some more time to fill memory. To remember younger every detail.

He can see how younger beautiful doe eyes were overflowing with love .love for him.

He train of thought got halted when younger attacked him tight hug .he stumbled back little due to force.

He felt jungkooks tears on his chest wetting his outfit.

"W-why w-why y-you left me hyungie "younger sobbed on older chest .

This all new feeling sent chills in taehyung body .someone was crying for him.
Importantly his love was crying for him.
It maybe sound like psyco .but he was loving the feeling .
He was having someone who can cry for him.
His cold heart felt warthm after may days.
He cold body was melting in youngers presence.

"W-why y-you l-left m-me h-hyung a-after t-taking m-my h-heart ".his heart skipped when younger said that.
He wasn't ready for the confession.
He was still thinking that he was not good enough for younger plus age Gap was nothing doing good.

"I am old kook you can't hang on me you can't waste your precious life hanging around my problems .I just usele-"taehyung was cut of younger who placed his hands on olders mouth.

"No don't say that hyung plz don't ever say
You're precious to me hyung.i love hyung .you were never problem to me hyung.".he placed forehead on olders forehead. Both closed there eyes.

"When you love some one hyung you will never think them as you're problem cause you're will be involved wholeheartedly. You will fulfilling every need of him with care and love .They will never be burden to you hyung .you will find peace for doing things for loved ones.".
Jungkook slowly opened his and looked at taehyung .

Older opened his eyes when he felt soft hand cupping his left cheek.

"I want that peace hyung 😔 I want to do everything for you .without you everyday was hell for me hyung .let me take care you hyung .let me show my love .please give chance.Please allow me .accept me .accept yourself that you can loved .
Accept that you're are precious to me. ".
Jungkook finally said .
Tears were never stopped .

Taehyung was no different. He eyes left tears when jungkook confessed.
He wants the feeling which he lost long along .
He wants the experience how it feel to be loved.
He was after all Human how many days he can leave like he leaved almost 14 years without love and care .all he was living with hate and disappointment.
He was edged of breaking the ice .
Jungkook words made him to do it .

He wants feel euphoria.he wants to be selfish for one time.

He slowly moved his and held younger waist .which he was holding after may months .it was just as he felt first when he touched was small and totally fitted in his hands.

Cold shivers ran down jungkooks spine when older touch his waist with big rough hands.

Taehyung looked at younger and made him move .

"Make it kook I can't take this anyone .it was getting hard each day .may me feel loved."Taehyung said .
Jungkook got green signal .

He wiped older tears and started leaving small kisses on older face.

"Thank you so much hyungie thank you for letting me in "jungkook kissing older eyelids.

He kissed olders wheel face .taehyung closed his eyes he was feeling content with the small kiss .

Jungkook stopped at older lips and looked at him .

'May I 'younger mumbled.

Taehyung gave Samll smile before nodding.

"I love you hyungie "younger said and attached his lips to olders.

They stayed like no one easily moving there lips. It's was there first kiss .
It will very special to them .As it was ending boths mesary.


It truly hard to write emotional chaps..
We need to put brain
This book is getting longer then I have expected .

Many selected mafia au .I will be writing that when this book will come to end.

I don't but sometime I feel like he looks like Park shin-ye

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I don't but sometime I feel like he looks like
Park shin-ye

Thankyou for reading 🥰😍

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