chap -41

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It was evening when taeri reached home dicussed what ever director siad to her.
Jungkook was more then okay for it he too wants to see taehyung on big screen he will be more happy to act with him again as last drama was there first bl series in country many have loved and gave supprort to them .

But there marriage may postpone because of shooting .jungkook was okay with that too he can wait .he wants his love happiness first .

It was next day they brought to cout who was ceo of the one of big agency for lawsuit which taeri filed against him for blackmailing his son and also many new female artists for using them .

The court trail was went air .taeri sat opposite to her ex husband who stood sat there will hands cuffs .

The trail started taeri lawayer provide many evidence .even the new artists and some big artirst who has worked with company has said .how they company will do it any heights to make any controversy just before the release to get maximum attention .

There were some victims like there was female artist who worked with taehyung before .actually she was married but agency wants to keep it secret so people can love chemistry more .

One by one many truth came into picture.

The finally proved guilty and gave life time imprisonment.

Thousands of people watching the live has now started going on different apps .hasting with #justiceserved and apologizing to taehyung.

Tears where flowing youngers eyes when he watched hashtags and how people are apologizing taehyung .

"Youre dada is suffered lot baby "jungkook said caressing his belly.

"You will be our happiness little one "jungkook said wiping his tears.

Teari reached home she called taehyung and said the good news .
Warm tears left taehyung eyes we he heard the news he was not in position hesee that live .

After that jungkook talked to him .taehyung asked how other was doing is baby was giving him tough time .

Jungkook chuckled when taehyung asked it .
"Baby is small bean now taehyung he will trouble me ".

"I miss you "jungkook said .he wants taehyung his side 24/7 these days he was already missing him.

"I miss you bun "taehyung said .

They for few hours whem jungkook slept listening to his loves voice .
Taehyung chuclked when he heard soft snores leaving younger mouth .

Taeri took the phone as younger was sleeping on couch .

"Baby can you come to home many want to see you they are ready give you public apology "teari said .

"I dont want anything mom whatever done now is enough now "taehyung said .

Taeri bit her lips she didn't say anything about the drama yet .she wants to do when taehyung come back home.but it useless to hide from him.

"Will you come korea now baby there something important "taeri said .

"What is ma is grandma is ok "taehyung asked .

"Its not about them taehyung you know mr.lee wants you to do a drama with people to be more connected with you "taeri asked .

"Youre all life you did acting with some burden but for the first time do it with freely taehyung you dont have to fear for anyone now no one will force to go on dates with coactor " teari said .

Taehyung thought for some time .

"Is jungkook is okay with it "taehyung asked .

"Its not about him tae its about do you want to again act or not baby i want youre opinion "taeri said .

"I need some time mom "taehyung said .

Taehyung cutted call and layed on his bed .
Acting feild will he able to go back again .


Soon book will be ended

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