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As most you asking for double update .

Plz share your thoughts babies anything don't hesitate as this chap is main part where you get to know what taehyung actually is .

I really love reading comments. Just leave anything that you thought.


Get ready

"I never touched anyone I never even kissed any one trust me ". Taehyung mumbled in Jennie embrace .He was still shaking badly .it became difficult Jennie to hold him.she held him tightly. His mind was only thinking those words he can't even recognize that Jennie was holding him .

"I now hyung I know you never touched anyone please clam down tae I can't see like this ".Jennie said holding him tightly.

"No one trust me now kook also ".

"I am not what you all think ".

(A/n:I hate oppa word so yeah ).

Jungkook froze on his spot when he heard that

I never touched anyone I never even kissed any one trusted me.

Jungkook's turned around and looked at Jennie.
'She was his sister '.

He placed hand on his mouth looking at older how bad his condition was .he was sobbing hardly.

He was just his sister he didn't now how many bad things he said to older because that.

He saw how badly Jennie was trying to calm him down .her whole face becoming red from hard crying. It was hard for 20 year girl to hold 33 year fully grown men .

Jungkook went to them at took taehyung in his embrace. The older was trembling badly still shaking his head and holding head .

Jennie looked at jungkook shockingly what if he knew about them.but it was not the time .
She held his brother hands tried to remove them .from back side .
Jungkook held older nape and moved closer to his neck.

Jennie then remembered tablets.
"Tablets hyungs tablets I need to find that "Jennie leaved to search for his tablet.

Jungkook held older tightly pushing him more towards his neck .older finally felt smoothing scent which was oddly similar. Voices were slowly leaving his head.he moved more closer to his source of warthm.

Jennie took tablets and ran down he took water.

(A/n : if I missed every one is sitting on there knees ).

Jennie went near him .taehyung was little calm now but still can't recognize anything his eyes were closed .jungkook slowly made tae move .Jennie helped him to take tablets.

Taehyung finally droze off jungkook was still holding. He looked at older with teary eyes .

He slowly wiped olders tears with his soft hands. He tranced older cheek which still have his finger prints he felt horrible.
He softly caressed it .

'I sorry I am sorry for being like everyone 'jungkook mumbled.

Jennie looked at older cheeks which has finger print.fresh tears falled her eyes again.

"How can they slap him "Jennie said moving closer to older .

"How can they why there are taking advantage of your silence every time hyung "Jennie placed his head older chest and cried .

Jungkook cried along with Jennie. He was that monster.

"C-can we take him to his room "jungkook asked

"Yes ".Jennie said .they both placed him on his bed .

Jungkook went out the room along with Jennie.

"Jennie it was" jungkook said closing his looking down .

Jennie looked at jungkook.
She held his collar and slammed him to wall.

"How fucking dare you do that to my hyungloves you doesn't give you right to do that."Jennie.

"You don't have any right "Jennie shouted .

"You can't do that him he was already having enough because of me "

"I sorry it didn't do it intentionally he purposed me on day before night and next day your dating rumor I thought he was playing with me

I now knew your are his sister before that I didn't know anything about him .
I sorry Jennie every around me keep on saying about how he dates and broke hearts I was broken too after your rumor ".jungkook said .

Jennie slowly moved her hands .

"He never dated any one kook not even single costar .they do it for promotional purpose .They do it so that actress get profit and more attention as most of them are from small companies. "Jennie said .

Jungkook looked at Jennie with new fond information.

"It okay it wasn't your fault he always hides his pain .he said he didn't purposed you when you rejected him.
He was acting normal when he was mentally depressed for more then a decade "Jennie said wiping her tears .

Jungkook stunned after knowing that there many things he that older was handling all by himself. But then why he was not denying this relationship with Jennie.

"Why he is was not denying your relationship Jennie he can say your his sister ".
Jungkook asked

Jennie chuckled at him.

"Taehyung mom is not my mother I was mistress daughter.if they know about this won't hesitate to kill me we don't have choice we can't deny it never wanted he wants to abort me but my mom wanted me moved way from him.but when taehyung turned 21 he came to know about me he was devastated when he know that his dad cheated on his mom .
He took care me after my mum passed away he never took anger on me .he raised me like a responsible big brother with love and care ".Jennie said .

"You like him don't you "Jennie asked .

Jungkook noded his head.

"Can you do me a flavor ".Jennie asked .

"I will ".


So let's sum up there are many big news in it .

1.Taehyung is virgin
2.jennie is his step sister .
3.they were silent because of

Plz leave comments guys .

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