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Taehyung didn't wanted to attend the award show but he got to know that younger is winning the award which younger always dream about .He just want to look at younger while taking his award .
He booked the tickets in the middle row .

He wore black hoodie along with hoodie with mask .his hair covered most of his eyes..

He set everything  and looked around  the house  slowly looked around  room  met the small bottle of banana milk

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He set everything and looked around the house slowly looked around room met the small bottle of banana milk .
Tae smiled remembering his beautiful memory . He took the bottle and placed in his bag.

He went outside and walked towards the gate and glanced at his apparment for the last time .There nothing much good memories that he have with his place but still as he leaved here for more then 12 years .

He went inside the car and started going towards the award show .

He was little late for award show then usual .Most of lights were off in the seating area .so he doesn't have to concern much .
He went towards his seat which he booked at stood there.

Taehyung saw many fans were holding youngers pictures and name flags .Younger did gain lot popularity actually .
He was angel for everyone.

'You have really became what your are kook a baby angel '.taehyung thought

They were showing the nominees for the best actor youngers name also there in it .
The cheering got really loud when his part was showing.

Taehyung chuckled at his small memory of his when he received his first award .how much fans have shown love to him.

The actor finally announced the younger name.

This is the moment taehyung was waiting of he looked at younger who walking up the award show .

Taehyhng witnessed the beautiful face of younger and how younger looking at award with so much admiration.

He can see how younger eyes shined brightly when he looked at crowed who were screaming his name.

He gave speech with bright smile mentioning taehyung name too.

But his smiled fade away when he heared the comment.

"Come on why he mentioning his name taehyung just merely did anything for him".

"He is angel that's why he is thanking everyone ".another girl said.

He just looked at the younger who happily giving his speech .
His destination was more clear for him .there is not even single string that can hold him back.

Younger went away final award nominees has stared .

Taehyung doesn't have reason to stay here anymore.but he just want to there .
The comments for the fans are really making him remove his second thoughts.

"We should leave its already late "one girl said .

"But there last one".other one said.

"Oh come they give to taehyung anyway till he stays in industry it will always goes to him "

"Let it be I want to stay little more" the girl said

They have announced the my name .
The whole stadium was pin drop silent only sound coming was from the music.

Not even single one when said Taehyung name .
It was just complete silence.

The more we realize the more worse it gets .

Taehyung s around slowly with heavy heart no one was reacting they just stood there .Turing off there lights.
They were against this award .

The girls behind started talking .

"Wow you see black ocean this always happens with him still they give him award they are many more talented actors why don't they give it to them ".the girl

"You know money speaks may be he buys the award because they know not even single one will vote for him but see he didn't even attend the show then why he buyed when he is not attending".the other girl said .

He heard many hateful comments .

'You angel bun you cant this much hate from your fans baby this will broke you alot .'taehyung thought .

He heard enough he went out .
This place suffocating him more.

He have just came for younger he looked at other reaction his was enough for .

He went to Isolated place and gulped his tablets and finally left the place.

Other side jungkook has reached the older house .

He went towards it was door .it was looked he tried the password. Which he knows .

The door opened jin followed jungkook behind.

They entered the house everything was dark .
Jungkook switch on lights .

He looked around the house taehyung was no were to seen.

His heart was beating fast taehyung when he didn't find taehyung any where .
He took slow steps reaching olders room.
He was praying older to be in his room.

But his prayers were unheard.



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