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Jungkook saw taehyung leaving the sets . jungkook face is still some what pink due to the previous incident.
Small smile formed on his remembering how flushed older looked .he always professional in intimate scenes but today he was looking like baby who just has his first kiss.

Jungkook is thankfull that jin hasn't came to sets otherwise he will definitely destroy his mood .

He went home and layed on bed and closed his all he can see was older eyes filled with love and his strong arms around his waist.

He tee went little up .he shivered when cold air touched his bare skin and same place were taehyung touched him.

He was overseeing all the jins warnings he was only listening to heart .he liked this feeling .

He liked the strong arms around his body.

He giggled lightly and buried his face in the pillow .He have see the there were no news about taehyung these day it was almost month since any girlfriends or his fling news .

May he was changing finally .that's what his heart was saying.

His phone was ringing form past 5min finally. he looked at phone it was jin-hyung he sat on bed and looked at phone he doesn't want to pick up .He doesn't want spoil his mood .
And that's what he did he put phone in silent mode.

He was about to close his eyes but remembered something he opened gallery to see one particular photo which company has shared .it's was there recent photoshoot .

He lost the count how many times he looked at that photo .

THe photo looked nothing less then a beautiful painting .

Finally his eyes satisfied and he closed his eyes.

Next day .

Jungkook went to set he was free for a while.he sat on his seat . he took banana milk and started to sip to it .

Jin Hyung was again calling him .
Seriously morning morning .

He finally picked up the phone .

"Hello "jungkook said little coldy.

"Hello kook whats happening why are not picking up the calls".

"It's nothing hyung I was little tried yesterday ".

"Ok take care you know hi-".

"Actually hyung I have shoot right know I will talk to you later ok bye "he cutted call not giving chance for older to speak .

Taehyung was already sitting beside him . Jungkook didn't saw it and stretched his arms .

He was wearing rings so it brushed against taehyung which older hissed and immediately covered his eyes which was burning .

"I sorry hyungie I hasn't seen you "jungkook said looking at older with concerned eyes other had still eyes closed and one hand over his right eyes .

"It's ok bun it wasn't your fault ". taehyung said tried to open his eyes but it was not possible tears were coming from his eyes .

"Please let me have a look hyungie "jungkook said moving closer to older he slowly removed older right hand .
"Can you give me your hankie "jungkook asked .
Taehyung just nodded his head .

Taehyung took hankie and handed to younger . still his eyes were closed .

Younger placed hankie on his mouth and blowed air to make to little warm and placed it on olders eyes lid . taehyung felt warm cloth on his eyes which some what gave him relif .

Younger continued to do it for some time .
Now taehyung eye was not burning any more .he Slowly opened eyes to see how younger blowing air on his hankie looking cute when he was doing with concerned eyes .

"Are you ok Hyung ".

"I am ok kook don't worry ". taehyung said looking at younger he was liking this little too much .How beautiful it will be if younger will be his wife .he snapped out when younger moved back .

"Sorry hyungie because me you got scratch on your eyes ".

Taehyung looked at younger who will crying at any moment of if he scold even a little .

"Hey it oks kook it wasn't your fault take it easy okay I had many scars this is just small scratch don't worry hyung is ok "taehyung reassured .

Jungkook gave a small nod .
He got idea and opened his bag there another Banana milk.

"Can you please take this Hyung for my satisfaction "jungkook said giving him banana milk .

"No kook I know how you like it you doesn't want to share with any one so I won't take it ".

"Please for me "jungkook said with pout .

Which was impossible to say no .

"If your embarrassed to drink infornt every one it's ok you can drink it in your house it is really tasty " . jungkook said trying best to convince best .

Taehyung obviously took it .He will consider it as first gift from younger .along with small scarth and hankie .


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