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Jungkook opened the door only to meet with abandoned room.His heart picked up beat when he found empty closets .He went to closets .His hands were shaking badly .there was nothing everything was complete empty.

Tears were freely falling down his cheeks .
"U can't hyungie "younger mumbled and looked around the room to find something related to older
He just hopes what ever he is thinking doesn't come true .

He looked at table there was white paper wth black words scribbled messly on it .

His world stopped when he saw his name on the letter.

Hello kook I don't know weather you will read this or not.but some how my heart was sensing may be you will find this.

I leaving kook and leaving from this country and industry it is suffocating me too much .I know I am just a coward who can't face you to tell all this But am want free you kook .
You can't waste your life on old depressed soul. You have dream work for it .Enjoy your life. kook but just be careful if you date anyone .and about the fight I was not angry on you kook it just that execuse I made.

Don't worry about me kook am finally doing what I always want to do being actor was never my dream.

Take care kook work hard be just like how you are don't change anything kook .

Sorry for not telling you directly .

Take care .


Tears falled from jungkook eyes wetting paper in his hands he couldn't belive that taehyung really left him.

He wiped his eyes harshly .read letter again.
It wasn't any dream it was true taehyung really left him .

'How can you hyung how can you ".Younger sobbed hardly .

Jin entered the room to saw badly younger was crying.

He went hugged him.

"Shh calm down kook ".jin said .he got to know about the information about taehyung left industry as it became breaking news .

"H-hyung t-tae tae left me "younger said .he whole face was red from the continuous crying .

"Shh calm kook we will find him ".
Jin said .

"I want him hyungie I want him badly .I like him he can't leave me like this now ".jungkook sobbed hardly.

"H-h ow c-can h-he r-run a-away i-I love him hyung please bring him back "younger cried holding jin.

"I want him hyungie ".jungkook mumbled continuous .he eyes slowly blacking out.
He heart really couldn't take how older left him .

'I want him '.jungkook lastly said and fainted on olders hands .

Jin looked at younger sadly jungkook explained everything about taehyung past and his feelings for taehyung.
It hurts to see younger like this as it was his first love.

'I sorry kook you really shouldn't make your heart involve in his '.Jin took younger and left the house . looked at TV news about taehyung leaving industry .

Her tears came out of eyes first time in after many years .her younger one really left them without saying anything to them .

She took car keys hurriedly and went to car .She went towards her husband's company to clarify about his .

She wore mask and went inside the company .she was afraid media who will directly reach the comany after these news .But now no one was there at right moment.

She went to ceo cabin .she will finally facing the truth which taehyung tried to hide from her all years .

She didn't think of knocking and opened it .only to find her husband making out with his secretary.

Her world crumbled down when she saw her husband like that .he closed door before other can see her .

Her mind was spinning her husband was cheating who she thought was his true love .and her youngest left him leaving her all alone .

Tears were never stopping she went towards her car and went away aimlessly.

She felt suddenly pain in heart .she clutched the shirt. She sweating he got probelm taking breath.she stopped the car to drink water but her shivering hands weren't supporting her .

The pain was getting unbearable. all she see was small 5 years old boy with boxy smile playing with his mom in garden .

SHe smiled through pain .she looked at boy lastly before closing her eyes .

Taehyung settled himself in plane he looked at Seoul for last time .

"Hope you will fine momma i will miss you so much "

He can't stay here in this place anymore he just want free himself from everything.


I will update tomorrow .

Ok so next book will be baby kook enough of bubbly taehyung we will get to some Dom tae .😉😉


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