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Today is there cast meeting .jin and jungkook reached the building .They security guided them to room .
There was round table some of them had already taken the seats .

Jungkook and jin went inside and greeted the director .

Kim taehyung was yet to come .

Jungkook sat in his seat there was seat empty beside him it's for taehyung.

Jin seat behind jungkook holding his phone and bag.

Jungkook was continuously tapping was his feat .Then taehyung came with his manager came inside everybody was bowing to him .

Taehyung just gava nod as he was older then the most of the people here .

Director greeted taehyung .

"Meet him Jeon jungkook"
Director said . calling. Jungkook closer.

Taehyung was about to forward his hand but saw jungkook didn't see him and bowed to him in 90 .

May be character apart but jungkook still respect him as he was in industry for more than 12 years .

"Hello "jungkook said .
Finally looked at taehyung face.

Who was taller then him .he didn't saw dark orbs today .they were looking more peaceful.with some shine.

Taehyung looked at jungkook was looking more beautiful this close he want him more closer to him.His heart was again beating fast .
He hands were lightly shivering out nervousness.

But taehyung didn't like how other was calling him
"We are co-actor now jungkook just call me taehyung and it's nice you too ". taehyung said moved his hand forward.

For a reason both of there hands were shaking .

Jungkook was just holding his breath when his soft hands touched those rough ones .

Taehyung held soft hands in his rough ones they were almost baby soft he just want to hug this beautiful baby tightly . though he doesn't want to leave hand but he had to leave he doesn't want to look creep .

They sat in there places .
Jungkook and taehyung seats little closer to each other .

Taehyung can literally smell pleasent order from jungkook .

Jungkook pov's :

We sat in our places I just bend my self down little to my eyes level I can only see his hands which placed on the table.

Director gave us our copies .

We started Reading our lines .
I can surely say this drama was full of angst .

We read few chapter .Everything went good.Director gave us some instructions on some parts .

Director came gave me scheduled by the end .

I gave my copy to jin Hyung .

I saw some of them were missing in room .I didn't saw taehyung it will be disrespectful to go without saying anything .so I just said jin Hyung to wait for some time .

"there is no need for that Jungkook he doesn't even care that you said bye to him or not ".

"Hyung "I said looking at him .

"Fine I will there at car "jin said rolling his eyes .

I just stood there some time .

I took phone my open it I saw notification from the Google .

Reports found another girl leaving taehyung house from back door this morning were she new girlfriend or just another fling (Read more )

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Reports found another girl leaving taehyung house from back door this morning were she new girlfriend or just another fling (Read more ).

It's wasn't even 1 week he broke with girlfriend now another one .

I just shook my head in disbelief .
I saw him coming out from the room some girl was leaving the same room fastly .her back was facing me .

This is too much I don't know what I have to see more . through out this drama.

Only I was there to see them every was in room while I was standing in cooridor.

He came near me .

"See you soon taehyung "I said and to him .

He just gave me small smile and nod .

I just went away fast as I can .

Saw jin Hyung standing at near car .

We went inside the car hyung was driving and I was sitting in passenger seat.

"They found another girl leaving his house jungkook just be careful .
Maybe I won't present sometime .
I don't know why namjoon is accepting in first case can't he sign you up for another project ".

"It will be ok hyung just trust .I will keep everything professional ".

Hyung didn't said anything he looked outside .
He dropped me near appartment .and took the car to company as it was company car .

I took my bag and went inside .
I took shower and settled on bed .

Out of curiosity what we will happen in drama .

I opened the copy and started to read it there were lot of intimate scenes in drama .I was literally sweating just by reading it .Play role will be death of me .

I just closed the papers I can't read it any more.

I just held my hair .This is too much.
Now I know am totally doomed.

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