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It was next Morning taekook informed taeri and grandma about the the little one inside kook.

Taeri teared up listen to it she still can't belive her little prince will be father soon .

Jungkook informed his parents there little sad about jungkook pregnancy as he has so much in his plate now and mostly importantly he was in acting field they don't want jungkook to get any hate .But in the end it was jungkook decision and they respect it .

Taehyung was looking at jungkook who was folding his clothes .he was done with his shower .he was wearing long white shirt and shorts sunlight was directly falling on ethereal human making his pregencey glow double .

Jungkook looked up to see taehyung .he blushed looking at older who was was staring at lovely eyes and small smile .

Taehyung looked at how younger chubby cheeks turned pink.

He stood and went near younger.

Jungkook heart started beating when older was coming to him holding the eyes contact

Taehyung broke eyes contact and went stood behide jungkook .

Jungkook flinched when taehyung touched his wet hair and tugged it behind the ear .
Small drops of water was leaving younger hair.

Taehyung eyes followed drops of water.
He held youngers delicate waist and brought him closer to him and softy licked younger nape.

Jungkook closed when he felt taehyung tongue he fisted shirt tightly taking uneven breaths.

"You're glowing baby ".taehyung said softly caressing younger small bump belly .

Younger left the shirt and turned around softy placing small peck on olders lips .

"Thankyou for carry my baby love "taehyung said placing soft kiss on youngers forehead.

"Our baby hyungie " .jungkook said hugged older tightly.


It was evening taehyung went out to bring groceries.

"Hello "jungkook picked up the phone .

"Hey kook congratulations "namjoon said .

"Thanks you hyung ".

"Kook I don't know weather it's right time but the director was asking for the approval of that series "namjoon said .

Younger placed his hand on his belly .
"It's action series and I think I can't do and I don't want to do it please tell them that I will not doing any movies and I will be on hiatus ."jungkook said looking outside the window .he can't do movies he want to be with taehyung the whole time.

"Think again kook you can complete minimum 1 project as it is just starting ".

"No hyung this is my final decision " .
Jungkook said

But he didn't know older was already listen.

Jungkook cut the and placed in on kitchen.

"Baby "older called .

Jungkook looked at older holding 2 bag full of items.

Younger went near older to help him.

Taehyung placed the bags on ground .

He held youngers hand and looked at him.
"Kook don't stop yourself for the baby if you want do the series you can do it love .I know how tough for you to come to this position and become good actor .you worked very hard my love and I don't want to go all in Wain .I should have wore protection that day "taehyung mumbled last sentence slowly.

For his happiness he can't take younger beautiful future out of his hand .

Younger frowned at last sentence.

"What are you saying taehyung this baby is precious to us don't ever think like this
I don't want do it cause I want to spend my time with you .I can even work after baby born tae .he is not stopping he is just giving a new life "Younger Said holding back.

Taehyung looked at younger teary eyes.
"Am sorry baby I just don't want to ruin you're Carrier "taehyung said .

"You are ruining nothing hyung please don't blame yourself .I choose it like this way .I am happy with this ".Younger said cupping older face .

Taehyung gave him nod and hugged him tightly.

Couple where sitting on bed taehyung back was resting in bed frame and younger was leaning on his chest his hands on youngers stomach both where watching movie While older was giving kissing occasionally on younger neck.


Sorry for short chap but I want to write epilogue next chap will be last chap.
What you guys say should end like this or you want something more .

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