chap - 2

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On the day of award show .

Kim taehyung again broke up his new girlfriend does he really date someone till there his drama ends

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Kim taehyung again broke up his new girlfriend does he really date someone till there his drama ends

Jungkook's pov :

It was almost evening I am getting ready fixing my blazer .jin Hyung looking at tv again news about taehyung.He was always the talk of the town.

"Man why doesn't he get bored doing same shit from almost ten years he is not teenager any more still he keeps on breaking up with his girlfriends .I think the amount list of girls he dated concludes he was just using the poor girls and breaking there heart "jin Hyung said .

"Leave it hyung we have award show he will never change I am looking him from 10 years why does this girls date him even after knowing all this ." Here am having discussion about him .which least important right now .

"He is damn manipulative ".hyung said .

We prepared a suit case for my changing my outfit.

Me and hyung entered our van.

Our schedule of arrival was prior then most of celebs as rule in award show is the most famous comes last .

Currently am standing on red carpet Lisa cars just came min later after mine .

I greeted her we went inside and gave some stills together.

I hope I atleast win one award today.I was praying time to time and I was equally anxious about my performance which I have do it in water I hope I doesn't fell .

(A/n - you should already know which one I mean )

We sat in our seats for some time ..

We can suddenly screams getting really high .

All us know who will come .
The devil .
The kim taehyung

I looked back he was entering the award show with one hand in pocket and absolutely not giving a fuck about the reporters who were asking him the reason of new breakup

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I looked back he was entering the award show with one hand in pocket and absolutely not giving a fuck about the reporters who were asking him the reason of new breakup.

He is perfect example of don't judge a book by its cover a beautiful face hiding his unacceptable behaviour.

He went straight and sat beside his recent ex girlfriend .
As were arranged to sit beside the our co actors .

I saw how actors slayed by seeing him .He was center of attraction.

We were sitting in seats the anchors started show with the music.

After some time I know I should go back stage and get ready .I was continuing tapping my foot there were so much cword and my anxiety is eating me .

"It ok kookie you will kill it "lisa said .

She know how I was impatiently tapping my foot .

I gave her small smile .

I looked up jin was calling me it was time for my performance .

I quickly changed my outfit I didn't change much I just took off my shirt and blazer keeping other things same .

I saw there was small commercial break .
Backstage boys were setting the glass and filling it with water and smoke was coming from water .

I slowly sat on knees the acconmment of my dance was made .

My heart was thumping really hard I looked at the huge curtains moving showing me to the people.
I slowly closed my letting music to sink in my mind.

My hands and legs automatically started moving . slowly I moved my body all with beats .

Now I no more feel anxious I was feeling the joy in dancing .I smiled a little countined my performance.All can hear was music and mind was completely concentrating my moves .

At last I finally layed in water the camera were still on me so I didn't move much from the final chest going up an down because of lack of breath.

I felt something on my right shoulder .I looked towards my right still i was still in same position.

My eyes met a dark pair of intimidating eyes.which made my whole body visibly shiver and cold water beneath me was making the effect double.

The curtains slowly closing the dark orbs were still looking at me.


Searching for photos what keep in chap is next another level .then writing the story .

Any how was it .

Actually I liked writing it in povs .I can give some more description .

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