chap -29

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Next morning :

Jungkook and jin went to hospital they entered from backside as there were many reporters at the entrance .

They went to 8th floor which is for the vip patients.

Jungkook and jin went near the room they where about to open but stopped when the heard loud argument from inside .

"What even there to explain hyungsi you were cheating behind my back that too with your secretary you loved me right then what happed .".taeri asked tears were rolling down her .

"I sorry baby I didn't intended to do that she was one who was seducing she kissed I haven't kissed her trust me " said holding her hand and and leaving small kisses on her.

"I love baby I love you so much trust me it wasn't my fault ".she looked at her husband who is saying all these words she is one best Lawayer .
She can easy say whether he was guilty or not .
Huynshi was definitely not guilty about that .

Jungkook blood boiled how older simply fooling his wife .

Taeri freed her hands from her husband.
"Leave Huynshi leave me I don't want to talk to you "she said looking other side

"Thinks my words again baby I will come to you once again when your mind gets free " said and left room.

Jin and jungkook entered the room they looked taeri who was silently crying .
She called her father about taehyung .
There were still finding were taehyung is .

Taeri looked at jungkook .she wiped her eyes immediately..

"You're jungkook right taehyung costar ".she asked .

"Yes "jungkook said .

Her eyes lit up with hope .

"You know were taehyung is have did he talked to you "taeri asked with full hope .

Jungkook felt anxiety build up inside him .as he was responsible taehyung leaving.

Tears start to from in his eyes .

"I sorry "jungkook said looking down

Taeri saw other was was crying.

"I sorry because me he left "jungkook said .

Jin caressed younger back even he comfort
Younger but he was just putting entrie blame on him.

"Why why he left because of you "taeri asked looking .

Jungkook told her everything about from the start .

"I shouldn't have done that I didn't know anything about what he went through and how he took care of his sister leaving the house .I blamed him for something which he haven't done ".jungkook continued he slips his tongue saying about taehyung sister .which he wasn't even aware of .

"Taehyung sister "taeri asked kook .
Taehyung was only child then who is his sister .

Jungkook eyes widened when asked about jenn .

But he decide to say the truth her husband will never accept that he has child.

He told her what ever Jenn said to him.

"Huynshi has daughter "she asked her whole crumbled down when jungkook said how he threatened taehyung and Jen.

"The bastard threatened my baby "taeri asked .realization hit her hard .

Taehyung took his father's blame so that she will never knew about him.

"It's not your fault jungkook i didn't trust my own son who I gave birth to and raised him almost 20 years .I am such monster my bear was innocent. I was worst mother one could ever had ".
Taeri said sobbed louldy .

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