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15 mins before Jennie entering to the restaurant.

Youngers word's still revolving around he needs go home quickly .
He stumbled and falled on his knees .

'Jen is here now taehyung control yourself 'taehyung repeated those words in his mind.

He took few deep breath and stood and adjusted his hair and tie.

When he was about to go inside the but he heard one of the staff taking.

" have you seen how people are hating him on dating Jennie who is lot younger then him .now he was proposing jungkook does he really doesn't see anything what people think of him.he can easily find any social media ".

Taehyung entered the restaurant and staff became silent and bowed to him. He just handed him some extra money then needed.

"It's lots "she said guilt was eat her up whatever she said before.

"It ok I got some valuable information "taehyung said .

Present .

It was morning taehyung never looked looked away from the phone .

Director messaged them that this is their last week schedule and series will be ended soon.

He opened this secret drawer and he took some tablets out of it and placed in his bag .

He really doesn't want to eat but he should maintain his figure .the only people think he is capable of .

He sat on dining and forcefully stuffed the food into his mouth till he chocked on it .

He took his phone.and went outside.while holding his bag .

As usal his driver just bowed him.

(A/n:italic will be comments that flashes in taehyung mind ).

' have you seen his driver face poor man doesn't even want to work with that man if not for money no one will work for him '.

He sat on back seat .

"Mr.park "taehyung called him.

"Yes sir "driver said .

"Will you resign this job if I give you enough money "taehyung asked looking at older.

"No sir I can't do that we should respect our duty and I can't take money doing nothing .I can't digest it though it may be common for many people but I can't "driver said starting the car.

Taehyung noded and looked at his phone .
Elder was indirectly implying him and he knows it.

"You have son and daughter right Mr.park ".taehyung asked.

Driver literally hesitated to answer the question.

"A-actually no I only have son no daughter I don't have daughter "driver said .

Taehyung knows other has daughter but looking at other he can say he was even afraid to mention daughter name infornt of him .he pressed his lips together and looked outside.

Taehyung has some speciality no matter how much lava was burning inside him he face will show nothing. Perks of being an actor .

He went to set inside the set with normal face.

Jungkook was some how guilty of many things he said which wasn't necessary. He looked at older entered the set gave him small smile and went inside the changing room.

He was acting like nothing happened may be he was just too used to rejections younger thought and slide it off.

He was looking at phone message popped up. It was from jin-hyung.

Jin hyung.

See after your meet he again went with Jennie out .

Photo attachment.

Jungkook knew that she was at restaurant .he gritted his teeth thinking him and Jennie .
The other simply playing with him .

He closed his phone. It did really hurt him.

He Looked at jin he will be there with him from now on .

Director called everyone to into on the set
Every was was there taehyung just stood far away .

Jungkook stood up.

"Good Morning sir ".

"Good morning son as you all know this will be last week and am very emotional person I gonna miss you all "director said .

Every one chuckled at him.while someone was busy in his phone.

The director gave small speech after every one went back to there.

Jungkook looked at older he was little too much into his phone just keep on scrolling looking at nothing it was first he was seeing him like that .

It was there shoot time taehyung was just normal.
'Maybe am concerning little too much 'younger thought.

They completed the shoot it was lunch time younger went out with jin to eat.

Taehyung went inside the cabinet and closed the door and took the tablets.

He sat same place where younger brought him food with beautiful bunny smile .he took the food and again stuffed inside his mouth forcefully just looking at younger place.

Younger sitting inside the restaurant jin order ramen for jungkook and black bean noodles for himself.

Jungkook looked at jin who was eating noodles it almost reminded him how happy taehyung looked over simple noodles .

But whose gonna tell him just small things you get form the person you love .are more precious then any diamonds.


What's taehyung and Jennie's relation.

(Note :this will be your last chance to guess )

Plz comment it really inspire me to write next chaps .

There is something or something's which no one knows as I mentioned in book start that will be released soon.

Soon am gonna drop first bomb .

And book consists of agnst. As I will get more ideas while writing agnst so you can expect regular updates.

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