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Jennie saw jungkook going out of the restaurant earlier then she expected. She went inside the restaurant taehyung was giving the bills to workers.

Jennie stopped herself after workers went away she went towards the taehyung .

"Tae what happened ".taehyung looked at her.

"Nothing we should leave it was already getting night ".taehyung said confusing her

"But you said you going to "Jennie was about to said more but he cut her off.

" I thought sometime Jen it is early to purpose don't you think and more over what if he just like me as an actor nothing else I should have I mean I should confirm that first and also am thinking may be he was too young for me don't you think "taehyung looking at Jennie .

Jennie looked at older frowing her eyebrows.she thought may be taehyung was hiding something but his face and eyes were showing nothing just normal as always.

"But you thought in now just after all the preparations "Jennie asked floding her arms .

"It ok Jen atleast we should I accepted the truth "taehyung said.

"Now we should go home am damn sleepy ".taehyung said dragging her out .

"Yeah you always do it "Jennie said going behind him

They were car taehyung was driving .

"Jen do you social media accounts ".

Jennie was sitting in passenger seat .

"Yes why ".

" Nothing I want to create for myself one "taehyung said looking at road .

"Woah finally my old tae decided to enter the social world "Jennie said looking at older.

Taehyung chuckled at her .

"Yeah I want to know about it may be I can stalk someone "taehyung said .

" you can hyung it is entertaining but also you can really see how people are how they can be so mean to other without even thinking a second ".

"Really "taehyung asked looking at Jennie.

"Yeah and also they gave thoughts when ever we share something good or bad ".
Jennie explained some things about the different social. Accounts.

Taehyung was driving Clamly and Jennie was creating the social accounts for older as he asked her .

"Done,Do you what me show how it works so you don't do any mistakes like accidentally following some one".Jennie asked .


"No I will figure it out its already late ".taehyung said

"Sure you will ".Jennie said with sarcasm dripping in her voice .

She placed her head on the glass of the car window looking at the moon that was shining bright drak night only light was coming from moon reflecting on drak black roads .

She placed her head on the glass of the car  window looking at the moon that was shining bright drak night only light was coming from moon reflecting  on drak black roads

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(A/n : I like this type of nights a lot )

Taehyung stopped car near Jennie apartment .

"Bye take care it will be tight schedule me I may not see you this week "Jennie said .

Taehyung nodded his head .

"Bye ".

Taehyung pressed the accelerate making the the rpm arrow go from 0 to 180 .
And took off the car .

He slowly he held the streeing with held with left hand while right holding his tie tight it was getting so much suffocating .he lossened the tie. It was truly suffocating when you hold your self and act perfect infornt of other .

He went inside the house he took some tablets drank water and went inside his room.

He sat at end of the bed .
He opened the one of the social media accounts it was normal account .

He first account searched was the youngers.

He looked the profile .Younger posted there photos of them .

He opened it but something caught his attention comments.

He opened the comment section .

Wow you both other looking so good.

Jungkook is safe guys from the recent news they said he was dating Jennie.

---yes our baby is safe seriously I was so much afraid when they stared this series.

Taehyung looked at the others pictures.

Seriously who sees his series after all this shit he should really quit this Industry. He got opportunities using his dad name .
---yes many were struggling for this position and he being spoiled brat .all he knows is date some one .

The older kept on looking at comments more and more .not even ghost in his room can tell what's going in his mind he held that balnk stare looking at the comments.

That night taehyung didn't stopped reading the comments he went many accounts and read many comments.
He was really living lot away from reality.

The social media actually shows how much people can hate you .Taehyung never seen this and now he is finally entering into reality leaving his own little bubble.


I really can't hold back myself from writing .

I am really excited to write next chaps .

I may be the one but seriously .

Please Share your thoughts .

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