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Jungkook's pov:
"Are you okay "jin hyung asked while driving I just gave him nod .

"Tommrow there gonna make announcement they will realase glimpse of drama that why they call you to dinner "jin hyung said.

"I tho-oh I wasn't interested hyung they mostly endup fully drunk and I don't want any rumors the drama will realase soon ".I said .

"Ohk ".

Hyung dropped me . I went inside I still feel his scent on me I don't want it .I took bath .

I don't what further think about todays incident.
The shoot keep on repeating in my mind which i don't want .
I closed my close eyes I need to sleep first .

End povs.

Next day .

Jungkook can see director blowed up our whats group the teaser has realase.

Jungkook smile a little he want to know what his fans are thinking .

He opened his director page he got tagged
(A/n -taehyung doesn't have instagram )

He quickly opened vedio and started to read the comments .

But his smile disappeared.

'I hope jungkook does turn as other actors who acted with him'.

'No why my jungkook is acting with that person arghh'

'Dont get involved with him kookie '.

'Now what will do he will date boy too '.

Jungkook closed his phone they many comments only few people were positive about he hope his fans doesn't hate him too much .

He again thinking did he right decision signing this up.he hope he doesn't regret it

He went to set he can many people surrounded by the girl jungkook can only look at her black.Her back look was looking smililar to the girl he has seen at the cast meeting coming out taehyungs room .

"Jungkook ".director called .He went towards him

"Jungkook meet Jennie her shoot will be starting today "director.

She turned 'wow 'this what he thought when he looked at her she was looking beautiful.


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Jungkook know her he came recently to industry .she is model too.

" Hello Jennie " jungkook said forwarding his hand ".

" Hello kook " .

Jungkook heard the car sound he looked behind
Taehyung was coming out .

He looked back Jennie who was looking at taehyung with small Smirk .He just hoping his assumption doesn't come true .

"Hello " with she said small smrik .

Jungkok looked at Taehyung he was becoming nervous as soon as he seen her .

'Hello 'he said hesitately.

Jungkook can feel unknown tension between Jennie and taehyung which he didn't like at all .

They started doing shoot it was first Jennie and taehyung .She was playing as a jungkooks friend not allowing taehyung to come inside house .

Jungkook was sitting near .he was continously watching both of them they were trying he can small Smirk on her face and how nervous other .

Something is definitely fishy between them.

Finally it was his time .today is there date .

They were shooting in restaurant .
He went near taehyung .

"Are you okay "taehyung asked .

"Am fine taehyung ".jungkook said .

Taehyung gave him smile moded his head .
They started to shoot taehyung held smaller hands which did something to both of them.

Taehyung was facing him .he was telling how lucky he got when he found out him .

Jungkook doesn't even other acting because many lines wear not present In the script.

He feeling like taehyung was really telling him how lucky he got to found out him.
The spark and small smile on his face was cherry on top .

Jungkook heart was again beat his small smile they eyes always confuse him alot .

He is just thankful that he doesn't have lines .

Again he was one of the best actor he was praised many times improvising the script .

The shoot was about to end they stood near jungkook house .

Taehyung cupped youngers face and placed small kiss on forehead.

Jungkook closed his eyes when he the kiss on his head .this unknowingly formed small smile on his face .

'Cut ' the director said .

"You are amazing "Jennie said .

'Thanks you '.

Jungkook didn't even liked her presence. He doesn't know why .

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