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It was week after both taehyung  and jungkook  where preparing them seleves for shoot .
It was first day today for there new series "anomalous".

They decided to leave separately  as jungkook  doesn't  want any unnecessary rumors before the start of drama as they havent reveled there relationship yet in public .

Jungkook was hugging  older tightly .
Taeri and her parnets where adoring the couple.especially how jungkook  was being over protective .

He was keep on telling the older to tell him if he feel any uneasiness  in set to inform him quickly  .

"I will okay bun trust me huh "taehyung said assuring the bunny boy while gently placing his hands on his waist .

Jungkook looked at older eyes before nodding his head .

"See you-"taehyung was cutt off when younger sameshed his lips on him .

They haven't shared any kiss today and it will not possible till the  shoot end so jungkook  was utilizing this time.

Taehyung  brain freezed as his mother and grandparents where standing infornt of him .

He cheeks turned to red when they had mere 2 secs eyes contact before turning here heads aways .

Jungkook  groaned as older was not kissing him back .

Jungkook moved back "kiss me "he said in his deep voice .taehyung finally looked at him.

Younger threaded his hand in taehyung soft locks before yanking him towards for another passionate kiss .

Jungkook left after good few minutes.

"See you tae "he said lastly and kiss on his forehead before going to his car.

Taehyung waved at him.soon younger left the mansion.

Taehyung   bid goodbye  to his family and left quickly he was so embarrassed  to stay there few more minutes.

He decided to take his revenge on his bun.


Taehyung  arrived at set after almost 2 years .
Everything  was looking  new to him the staff was greeting him with big smile on there faces .It was weird to see them like that .

He gave them small smile before going inside the sets .

"Good morning sir am lin  youre new team we will look after makeup and costumes "lin  said he was lot shorter then taehyung  .

"Good morning lin nice to meet you "taehyung said .

"Sir this is youre room "lin took taehyung too his cabin .

It was dream for lin to work for his favorite  actor and his long time actor crush .

He was having bright smile his face .he took older outfits  and handed him .

Taehyung  was playing as an assassin so lin took some make up to make bruises on olders face and neck .

He dying inside to see taehyung this close .
As a fan  he cant even look directly into his ice .

Taehyung  wore his red jacket before going to the sets .

On other hand jungkook was aredy shooting for his part .

Taehyung  sat beside jungkook  looking at younger who was looking hot in police uniform .

Taehyung  sat beside jungkook  looking at younger who was looking hot in police uniform

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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