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Today they have stay in sets till evening jungkook decided to make something for lunch.

He thought of making spaghetti but remembered something which taehyung said that he like black noodles a he used eat it at restaurant when he was younger but the restaurant in no more and he truly miss that .

He decided to make black bean noodle he wants to surprise older .
He prepared it fastly along with side dishes and went to the sets .

They did there part a it was lunch time .
Taehyung manager was about get lunch for him but jungkook stopped him .

"Hyung "said jungkook went inside vanity van holding his bag .

Taehyung was looking in his phone he looked up to see jungkook was standing with small bag .

"Kook do you need anything "taehyung asked .

Jungkook smiled .

"No hyung I have actually brought lunch for you ".

"For me "taehyung asked him confused puppy eyes .

"Yes ".jungkook said and placed food on table .they both sat opposite to each other .

"What did make for me "taehyung asked looking at the tiffin boxes.

"See yourself ".jungkook said.

"Black bean noodles "taehyung literally shouted he didn't expect younger to be so considerate about his likes .he was so different from other .

"Thank you so much bun this is truly best one "taehyung said .

The nick name did something to jungkook
.something giddly in his stomach.

" welcome hyung ".jungkook said .

Taehyung took first bite and closed his many memories flashed .It was same taste as the old women used to make but little more tasty .

Jungkook looked at taehyung whose eyes are still closed he was looking so different his looking like just taehyung not actor anything .just a normal boy .

On other can hand Taehyung can't wait anymore he wasn't to purpose jungkook .
He want jungkook to be the one who want to send his rest of life building a small family. But he needs to control somethings .

He knows jungkook like him too he can clearly see in others eyes he doesn't want to wait anymore.

"You did this much for me kook I want to treat you will Come with me for dinner on Sunday night ".taehyung asked.

"There is nothing much hyung but yes "jungkook said .

They went inside the set currently they were in kitchen reading lines and director is explaining the scene.

"Jungkook sit on counter "director instructed.
"Move closer taehyung "director said.

"Jungkook I want to dilever dialog while wrapping your legs around taehyung waist and bring him closer by placing your hands on his neck ok ".director said .

Jungkook gave a nod .

He was reading script with book on his right hand .
While he wrapped his legs around taehyung and bring him closer.and placing one hand around his neck.He was practicing the scene without giving any pior warning to taehyung.

He was so into scene that he did notice how closer taehyung was to him and older face was absolutely red .

Jungkook brought taehyung more closer .taehyung was few inches always from his milky white neck which is begging him to mark .

He coughed loudly .
Jungkook finally snapped out and looked at older whose face was red .

"Are you are hyung should I bring water to you "jungkook asked still not removing his legs from taehyung waist .

"No I just want to use washroom "taehyung said .

Taehyung quickly went inside the washroom .he so close to get hard .he went outside and quickly took a water bottle and drank it in one go .

They started to shoot jungkook was not nervous any more like he was in start he was so much comfortable .

He shoot ended .

"See you tomorrow kook "taehyung said and left the sets .

Jungkook was so happy that taehyung was taking him out Tommrow .
He was searching some decent clothes in his closet he want to look best Tommrow.

Taehyung went inside the house it was around 9 he took his and dialed the number .

" Oh long time no see "

"Come to the apparent ".taehyung said rubbing his head .while sitting on couch with glass of whine .

" you finally missing me I thought you will not call me as you were busy with the new one ".

"Shut up Jennie ".


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