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Two days have passed older was not even picking the calls

Director has informed that he was ending the shoot there will be no additional special episodes which he planed first the director throwed small party as it became most popular in few weeks. But older didn't even showed up at that party too.

Jungkook explained suitation to jin who currently in his apparment.

"I think he is doing this wantedly ".jin said looking at younger .

Younger lifted his head and looked at jin with dull eyes .

"Why ".jungkook asked.

"I think may be he is running away from you he is just finding something so he can keep you away .so he picked up the fight .".
Jin explained.he felt really unnatural when younger said about the incident.

"Why is running away from me "younger asked his voice was Slightly shaking .

"I don't know kook what's going on in his head " .jin said

Younger slowly noded his head .

"Ok get ready we should leave for the award show"jin stood .

And went near younger and ruffled his hair .

"You can talk to him after award show ok it's not he is really running away you right ".

"I will hyung I just want to this award show to end as soon as possible ".

Jungkook went to his room he picked the dress .he don't know he want to look good today may older will little less mad.

He was determined to go to older house at night he will not leave until older forgive him .

He went with jin hyung to the award show.
He saw his seat and next to his was taehyung. He saw older haven't came yet .

"May be he will come late as always ".
Jungkook's mumbled.

Jungkook waited for some time slowly tears seats were filling teh seniors acting finally showing up .

Jungkook saw light flashed on floor the show has started. He looked around but he still couldn't find older.

He was feeling anxious. He heart was not in peace for some reason

30mins passed and the performances have started of different idols groups.
Fans were cheering out loud .

They will surely loose there voice at this rate .

But it truly beautiful moment when they cheer you . Jungkook hopes that he will get this opportunity some day .
He can see how idols face blooms up when ever fans cheer for them .

He kept looking back taehyung haven't came yet .

2 hrs passed and it's the finall hour we're main awards are given .

He saw nominations of best actor the screen .he was nominated in this .

He doesn't really hope on this as many big actors were nominated .

The actor on stage slowly took out the card .
Actor smiled it and looked around he was literally taking forever for accouncing.

Jungkook looked around again as there only one award after this .taehyung gets that award almost every year .
He hoping aleast taehyung will come at this moment. But he didn't.

"Jeon Jungkook for love you "the actor shouted .

(A/n : love you is drama name )

Jungkook flinched when he heard his name .

He looked at screen they were showing his scenes in the drama.
He indeed won the award he heard fans were cheering out loud .they were really loud .it was almost like a dream for bit he didn't know it will come this fast .

All actors stood up and claping for him .
He stood up slowly Slightly blowed to everyone at went on the stage.

He took the award and stood infornt of mic.
He looked Around the stadium his fan base really did grow as many where holding his poster
Jungkook eyes shined brightly when he looked at them .

He looked at around but didn't notice the eyes which he was craving to see since two days .

He stared the speech he thanked every single on specially the director who has given his opportunity and offcourse taehyung who supported him .

He thanked the fans who voted for him .he went down back there director was .

"Congratulations son "older said with big and forwarded his hand

"Thanks you sir ".jungkook said shaking there hands.

"You really amazing son many of taehyungs coactor get fame because of the dating rumors but you got this on your hard work kook am really proud of you ".

Jungkook felt pang in his heart when he heard that the industry does really do may horrible this .

"Thank you sir for giving me his drma i will be for ever grateful for that ".jungkook said smiling Slightly.

Director ruffled youngers hair a went off.

They were finally announcing last award jungkook know older will not be present .

He sneaked out the award show and called jin.
Jungkook just thinking to directly go to olders house as he haven't showed up at the
Award show.

He waited few minutes jin came .he quickly went inside .

"Hyung can please take me taehyungs house he haven't showed up award .something is wrong "jungkook said to jin his .

"Dont worry nothing will happen may be he don't want to come".jin reassured.

But jungkook was feeling something that he couldn't word it he was feeling like someone is burning is his heart .

If he waited few more seconds in the award show then he will definitely would have heard the his deep voice but the fate have different plans .

Something is waiting for you all.

Something is waiting for you all

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Currently busy looking at there behind scenes.

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