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(Slight smut).

Taehyung was sitting on sofa They decide to watch movie as other was there last day They don't want to sleep.

Younger took bath and wore shorts and loose white shirt which was falling of his shoulder.
He applied the smoothing lotion on his body.

He was took small steps towards the taehyung. He knows older was waiting for him .taehyung wants him but olders was hesitated to do it .

Jungkook blushed when thought of his plan saw older his black was facing him he can Olders long hair was freely leaved.

Taking was changing the channels looking for the something interesting.

Screen went total black when it was staring something new taehyung looked at big screen he can see reflection of human figure.( a/n : no its not ghost ).

There was beautiful koo standing behind him .where shorts and loose shirt his thick pale thighs which were completely exposed .older moved his gaze slowly up .Younger was fiddling his fingers .
Leaving his milky white smooth neck and shoulder completely to show .

Taehyung felt his heart started to beat fast.he gulped his saliva down throat .

He want to see his more clearly .looked around .his gaze followed from younger thighs to his neck and finaly ethereal face which glowing more cause younger was wearing white.

Cold shivers sent through youngers body went he felt elders unmoved gaze on him.
He looked at older whose eyes were filled with lust and love .it was same like when older looked at him first time .his eyes shows so much dominace which he need to submit .

Taehyung stood up and went near younger .
He held the delicate waist with his rough and made younger to bump his chest .

Younger clutched older shirt and looked into his eyes .his does eyes were shining and juicy red lips were trembling .older looked at his lips which he badly want to taste .but he will stop there .Youngers milky white skin which was glowing because of the was begging him to leave marks.

He looked at younger looked up at older softy caressing youngers flushed cheeks.
"I can't hold back baby you can't do this me I was holding my myself since the day I saw you stage ".taehyung said his grip was tighted around younger waist .seeing jungkook like was making him loose himself.

Younger closed his eyes and moaned a little when he felt larger hand squeezing his waist .

He moved closer to olders lips and mumbled. "I want you hyung ".

That's was when last string broke .
Taehyung smashed his lips on youngers soft

He sucked younger lips aggressively with not giving time other to kiss was making younger dizzy.He felt butterflies in his tummy.

Jungkook clutched older long hair tightly.
Taehyung was literally devouring his lips .

Taehyung licked youngers lower lips for permission. Younger galdy opened his mouth .

Taehyung wrapped other hand on younger waist and lifted him little up .Younger legs were hanging in air .just above taehyung feet .

He wrapped his both hands around older neck and deepened the kiss.

Taehyung broke this kiss and looked at younger who was panting heavily.
Younger lips were swallow because of kiss.

"Beautiful "taehyung mumbled looking younger.

He tapped youngers thighs .Younger wrapped his legs securely around older waist.

Taehyung caressed younger thighs with big hands .while kissing his jaw line .

He traced his nose on youngers chubby cheeks .Younger closed his eyes and arched back.

Older left small kiss on youngers it small suck .

Younger moaned when older kissed his sweet spot .taehyung continued to suck on Same.

He levead drak hickes around youngers neck .soft moans where leaving youngers lips .when he felt warm lips on neck.

"T-Tae u-p " .Younger said in between moans taehyung continued to kiss him while going to there room.

Taehyung dropped younger on soft matrix which made younger bounce..
Taehyung hovered over the younger .

He looked at younger and kissed his cheeks .

"I love you baby I love so much thank you for trusting me bun "taehyung said holding youngers waist.

Younger wrapped his arms around olders neck.

"Love you hyungie thank you for being my mine "younger said with small smile .

His kiss older cheeks .

Taehyung looked at younger marked neck with Slightly wet hair, lips were glowing because of continuous kiss .
He was looking beautiful under him.

"Can I "older asked tugging younger shirt .

Younger gave nod to it .

Taehyung took of younger shirt he decorated youngers upper body with purple red marks .

He felt heaven when when heard youngers sinful moans when he sucked youngers Buds.

He removed his shirt before going taking younger short.

He prepared younger gently he nows its was youngers first time .
It was his too and he was more happy it was jungkook's and his first time which they where sharing with each other .

Taehyung entered younger a loud moan leaved younger mouth when he felt older in him .

He clutched olders shoulder tightly. Tears were rolling dowm his cheeks .

Taehyung kissed left small kiss to calm done the younger .

The night was still young both weren't satisfied with each other yet .

They made Lots of times that night .it was slowly yet passionate love .
There soul and body became one on that night.

Tried my best .

What you're age babies.

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