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Taehyung looked down he left cheek still burning.he slowly looked up to see everyone was looking at him. some where shocked and mostly he was getting disgusting looks by the people .today it was like he was seeing there true feelings about him .which is nothing more then hate .

"Sorry jungkook "taehyung said not even looking at jungkook. He turned around and slowly went outside.

'He tried it infornt of everyone how Shamelss 'one of worker said .while taehyung passing them.

He read many hate comments in these days . But people's eyes were more powerful it speak a lot it show true us .

Driver heard that comment he looked at taehyung. While shaking his head .he knows about jungkook who is total sweetheart and taehyung did somehow to him .

"Take me home Mr.park "taehyung said sitting on back sit.
Driver started the car.

"You did wrong you shouldn't done that you shouldn't touch someone without there consent. "Mr.park said

Taehyung looked at his driver whose looking at him disgustingly.

Taehyung looked outside avoiding drivers eyes.

"Am sorry say this sir this will me last month I will be resigning duty ".driver said .

It must be hard for poor men to work with him .

Taehyung closed his eyes .

Taehyung didn't said anything. Driver can clearly fingerprints taehyung cheeks and corner of eyes are watery .

Driver stopped infornt of the mansion.

Tae got down.

"You don't need to work me more Mr.park you can leave now "taehyung took check and handed him.

"This is your last month salary and this month my closet friends need a driver you can go to there company Tommrow .thanks you for all your service Mr.park .it must hard to work with me but don't worry any more you're free "taehyung said and went inside the mansion.

Driver gasped looking at check it was more then his yearly salary.

Mr.park about couldn't say anything he left the place after parking the car.

Taehyung entered house and closed the door .tears where slowly leaving his eyes.

Why are still in the industry when every one hates you .

'I will leave '.taehyung mumbled .

" leave industry ".

"Why don't you die ".

"You are the biggest playboy ".

"Shameless actor ".

"If his dad was not rich then he will definitely go to jail "

"Privilege spoiled brat ".

" If he didn't have money no one would have even cared about him weather he dies or lives .

He was hearing many voices he closed both of his ears .

'Am not 'he mumbled while shaking his head aggressively.

But the voices didn't stop.he closed his eyes tried to moved forward but his leg hit sofa which made him fall on knees.

I am not

Jennie didn't when to her apartment she wants talk to taehyung.

Jennie heard noises of someone sobbing hard .
She immediately went down to see taehyung was trembling like and leaf he was shaking his head while holding both ears .

She went near him hugged him tightly.

"Calm down tae "she said while hugging older tightly who still shaking. Her own tears were falling on his shirt .

"Plz calm down "Jennie said hugging him more tightly her shirt was getting wet by elder tears.

On the sets

Jungkook placed hand on his mouth he didn't know how he did that .tears where leaving his eyes by seeing how broken older looked.

"You did wrong kook you shouldn't slap him he is your senior actor and mostly importantly he didn't do intentionally ".jin said .

" I-i don't know hyung how I did that trust me hyung I sorry hyung "jungkook said blaw his eyes out.

"Can you take me his home hyung plz ".jungkook asked looking at jin while teary eyes .

Jin took him taehyung house younger was just looking at his hand and crying more .

'I sorry hyung I really sorry '.jungkook mumbled

Jungkook entered the house only too see Jennie was hugging taehyung tightly. He froze on spot his heart broke more looking at them like .

He turned around and wiped his tears he was about to move out .

But he froze on spot what taehyung said next .

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