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Today was the first day of shooting jungkook went to the sets in correct time along with jin . He came fast cause it was first jungkook introduction after that it will be taehyung introduction in the episode .

He went to the make up room in mean time every one were preparing the set .
He went inside he wore school dress he last drama was also same theme but jungkook was not complaining.

He started remembering his lines he was playing a boy who is so much engertic in Moring and greeting his parents with lovely smile .which is quite opposite to his real life .

If his mom see him like this she will definitely doubt if he is his real son.

Jungkook part of shooting for today is complete .He is normal kid in the school.
He removed his dress and changed into normal shirt and went out .

He was about leave he saw Taehyung getting down form the car .now it was his shooting time.

Jungkook just went into car before taehyung could notice him .
He doesn't want to be awkward he hardly knows him he just can't say simple hi to him .so it better .he went away .

Other hand

Taehyung was waiting for the moment snice night he was just practicing what to say to jungkook and how to look little formal.

He hopes jungkook just talk to causing instead of seeing him like senior actor .

The director gave him schedule to reach afternoon .

In morning he took shower and fixed his hair neatly he was putting effort in his look.He went into the car and looked outside .
He just what to go set as soon as he can.

He got down when theh reached the sets he went inside fastly.

But he was totally disappointed he got to know jungkook was already gone .
He just meesed up his hair which he put lot of effort .

He just sat inside the vanity van .his poker face was literally shaking girl while doing his makeup.

Director didn't said much to taehyung to change his expression thats what he what .
He was playing a rich boy character .

So it pretty much suits him.

It went till evening. And he finally completed his part.
He went inside the house in the evening he saw the time it was past 9 he took phone.

"Can you come now "he directly said to her not even greeting.

" little angry i guess "other side said .

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and cut the call as usual the lady entered the house .

The driver just shake his head .
He literally doesn't like taehyung not even 1percent taehyung is main reason he was staying away from his family he doesn't what his daughter near this human.

Next day jungkook was getting ready today he had to work with taehyung there first shoot .

He was scrolling his phone sitting in the car again got notification about taehyung .

He just rolled eyes .he really need to block
These websites.

Jungkook povs :

I was wearing normal shirt tugged in jeans .
I was standing in the floral shop.

I saw Taehyung was coming form the room wearing black suits totally intimidating.

He came near me .

"Hello jungkook " taehyung said with small smile surprising me i didn't expect he would greet me first .

"Hello taehyung".i said .

Director came to me
"You know how to act little innocent and sassy at same time right "director said .

It was first time am doing this role i was little afarid of doing it.i just gave a nod .
But taehyung caught how hesitated was i .

Director left us for practicing we still some time until the set is ready .

"It ok jungkook i will help you "taehyung read out my lines and explained some key points to me .

I wasn't that bad but taehyung really know a lot of things i too want this much experience .i sulked a little.

"Thank you taehyung "i said after he gave me small explanation. I gave him genuine smile to him .

" don't worry i will help you dont hesitate to ask to me anything "taehyung said .
I gave him small nod.he was taller then me if i intend to talk with him more than 10 mins it will surely break my neck .

Director statred accouncing in the mike .

The role was taehyung has to enter the shop while i was working .

He entered the shop i looked he was just perfect at acting i was supposed to his love at first slight .which he was clearly showing in his eyes .it was really hard to show emotions in eyes .and taehyung was killing it .

He asked me a bouquet just as beautiful as me .

"You will never find same like me mister "i said .

He just simply chuckled at me .he was looking lot different now .

"Sorry i just need flowers for my mom its her birthday ".taehyung said .

I gave him flowers explaining about it he was just looking at me whole time as per mentioned .

Then director said cut finally 1 episode was complete they will air it when we complete around 4 or 5 episode..

"Thank you hyung "i said to taehyung and went to jin hyung .

I have removed my make up i wasn't wearing much just lip gloss and minimum amount of blush.

I hope daily will like this without any drama .


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