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Next day

Jungkook was so much happy today is there dinner . Jungkook was all giddily since yesterday.

He prepared cereal for himself and sat infornt of tv .He sat on sofa placing legs on the glass table .

He was randomly choosing the channels .He mind haven't thought of anything but Something caught his attention .

The show was taking about the actors and there new release.
Jungkook and taehyung's drama was also mentioned How they got massive popularity .In just fews weeks .

Jungkook was beaming with happiness.He was finally getting the attention and recognition which he tried hard .it was truly start for his career

But the next news shook him to core .

But the next news shook him to core

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Actor Jennie caught going inside the Actor Kim taehyung private appartment in night time .Is kim Jennie is new girlfriend . many reports said that this not her first time to enter the appartment .

Jungkook looked at pictures which were keep on repeating
This not any stupid Rumour anymore he can clearly see the photos of her .

Was that all lie .

unknown tears were wetting his cheeks .

Was he also just another prey for him .

Did he did wrong trusting him.

Tears where never stopping.

"You haven't changed taehyung you were always playboy who broke hearts .why the fuck were nice with making me .making me feel special when you having fun behind back. It wasn't your fault taehyung jin Hyung said you were manipulative I fall into your game"jungkook said looking at tv with red eyes .it was showing rage towards the older .

Jungkook stood up and wiped his tears harshly .

"But you will not any taehyung I will not let you play with you ".

Jungkook phone was ringing it was jin .

Jungkook picked up the call.

" Have you seen it jungkook he had another new girlfriend for godsakes she is just 22 this man is literally playing with innocent hearts .".

"He was asked me for dinner today hyung "jungkook said .

"W-what "jin almost screamed.

"Yes ".

"And you said yes".jin asked .

"Yes "..

"Why did you accept it".jin asked he was loosing his patience.

"Actually " jungkook explained what happened .

"Oh wow you being dumb bunny accept that you know what he will fucking purpose you am sure about .just don't go there jungkook it create again new controversy just cancel it ".

"Hyung actually it is private place "jungkook hesitating little.

"Wow perfect I will give 500 dollars if he will not purpose you .".

"Nothing will happen hyung even if he will purpose I do know what to do ".

"Just me careful don't eat or drink anything when only you both are there I will be outside the hotel ok ".

"Yes hyung thank you "jungkook said and cutted the call.

In the evening taehyung was getting ready for the dinner he stood infornt of the mirror .small hands hugged him from behind.

Taehyung turned around to see Jennie who was is her PJ's and he wrapped his arms around her .

She kissed him cheeks.

"I need to go you should leave me now "taehyung said.

"But I missed you so much again you will became busy with jungkook so I will not able to meet you ". jennie said .

Taehyung didn't answer anything .
He took he belongings and went outside the room Jennie was following him .

They were in the appartment since yesterday not going out and tomorrow is Monday and Jennie don't want to go .

Taehyung got ready and went out finally saying bye to her .

Jennie looked at taehyung until he was out of his sight.

She went to room and he wore the dress of last night .her phone was dead .and she haven't charged it from night this what happens when she come to appartment she totally forgets about outside world.

She charged her phone until then she took bath .She will head out at night.


What are you thinking about taehyung.

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