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Taehyung was feeling so much good today he got chance to meet jungkook and talk with him he was feeling so much happy.
He saw jungkook leaving the sets he had small smile on his face which only can been seen when you are so close to him.

Jungkook left the set he came back reality.
He saw his mother was calling him there were almost 15 missed calls .

His aura changed immediately. He kept looking at messages his mother sent to come home .

He shoved his phone in the pocket and went to the car .

"Good evening sir Where you wanna today "driver asked .
Slightly looking down .it was out fear not respect .

"Mansion "taehyung said getting into car .

Taehyung really hate to go the mansion that environment did nothing good to him .


We went to car jin hyung started driving .

"What he was taking to you ".jin asked he is overly protected towards me .

"Nothing Hyung he was just explaining me the how do it he was amazing in this field hyung just great ".i said

"Wow using his charms in first day it self "hyung said with scoff .

"He was just helping me hyung you can't say like that "i exclaimed this is seriously becoming too much .

"I bet he want to ask you out dinner today and per my assumption he helped you today it wouldn't be appropriate to ask you as you can't say no and also it was just first meeting "hyung said with so much confidence .

"He will definitely ask you soon so just avoid it got it or it will make another head line ".

I just gave him short nod .

Was he really trying to show his charms i can't accept it he is just being professional .
It like almost every one has problem with him even he breaths they they make an issue.

I shook my head i just looked outside night was truly beautiful with full moon shining brightly.

End povs .

Driver stopped car near the mansion.
Got down to open car for taehyung.
He saw how the actor was looking so much
Gloomy.he thought he was just assuming things.

"You can leave i will come later "taehyung said and went inside the mansion not even listening to driver.

The driver just sighed. And went away .

Taehyung entered the house slowly maids were greeting him but as usual he went directly to his moms room .

The hallway was light dark and whole interior was made up wooden amd make the environment look little dark moon light was falling on hallway .

He steps were slowed down .He stopped near dark brown wooden .He s closed his eyes .
Took deep breath for few times and knocked the door .

"Come in " a very dominant voice came form inside .

His long fingers touch the cold door nob
He slowly opened the door.

He saw women in her fiftees was sitting in sofa crossing one leg over other .the specs were lossing on holding hair up .the red lipstick giving her the total bossy lady vibes which she is .She is one of famous lawyer kim chaeyon.

Taehyung stood near sofa .

"You should know why i called "chaeyon said .

Taehyung gave her nod looking down .

"I am totally impressed son you made 3 head lines within month and everything was about you precious love lifes ".

"What are doing with yourself tae your are already 33 you're becoming worse as years passing by .At this rate you can think one will love you truly after seeing your background.Or you want to live your life like this a playboy . we cant even go to the family parties anymore every one was taking about you and asking about you.we tried of giving answers tae .it was our fault form childhood you were spoiled a even taking actor as carrier no liked this expect you "

"You know right your dad and my relationship we lover form the college and till today we are true love enough tae ".

"This your final call taehyung and you don't show up the face in any party it will be good for us . only some knowns your our second son i dont want more people to know "

"You can leave now "women said going back
to her work .

Taehyung gave her small nod and went outside the door

He went out and looked outside to his right.
He saw his room which carved kim taehyung on it he never entered his room after that and never intended to do to .
He faced his mom nearly after year she didn't even changed a bit was looking same as always.

He went outside stood near the main door he looked outside he spent his childhood hear its hard to forget it.

He wore mask and sunglass and booked the cab .

He Entered his dark bed room he didn't switch on the lights.

He sat on edged of the and opened the drawer near the table .
He took some pills and drank the water .

May be now it is little peacefull.


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