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After 2 days Taehyung acted like nothing happened and continued to read comments.

Taehyung was returing back home.but the driver was taking different direction.

"Where are we going mr.park ".

" asked me to bring you to the mansion sir".

Taehyung stopped his moment and looked outside .

He knows why his mom called .and he just hope that she did'nt find anything .
Cold sweat formed on his forehead his hands became wet he took some tissue and wiped it .

He didn't even get any time to prepare himself.

Taehyung entered the mansion he closed his eyes took few deep breaths and entered the mansion .

He entered his mom bed room.
He was standing folding her with frown on her face.

"You thought that I will never find out " started taking looking at her son.

As usual taehyung didn't spoke with her and held his head down.

"Wasn't she the same girl where are you're ethics going taehyung this truly disgusting you know ".

"Wasn't it enough for to you to date her mom who was lot older then you and now her daughter .what fucking wrong with you " shouted .

" your father doesn't what to say this to you .you're even aware how much he hurted seeing all this .you disappointed him last time and now your again doing same thing .".

By now taehyung was also trembling badly .he closed his eyes tightly..

"Because of her you leaved the house but now your are leaving family too taehyung I am disowing you just don't ever show me your face "his mother said and turned around .

she slowly wiped the tears on cheeks .

Taehyung went outside and held the car he was shaking badly .he doesn't have tablets now everything got completed which he bought to set .he entered the car and drank water in one go .

He needs to go home.

"M-mr.park can you take me home soon plz "taehyung asked closing his eyes .

"Yes sir ".the driver started the car and looked at taehyung who was looking like a drunk person his hair was totally messed .

Taehyung entered the house and searched the tablets but Jenni was already there in house to surprise him.

She was waiting in his room .
Behind door she was about to shout but she stopped in mid way when she saw Taehyung whose body was shaking looking all messed.

Tears formed in her eyes and she saw Taehyung like that for first time he placed her hands on mouth to stop noises .

Older was taking tablets he was so into searching tablets he haven't even noticed Jennie in his room.

He took tablets and drank water .

he falled on bed and droze off.

Jennie slowly came near him.looked taehyung and sobbed hard..

"What is all tae plz don't leave me I only have you I love you so much tae plz don't leave" she said .
she was crying hardly she looked at tablets bottles which falled on the floor .

SHe slowly took it .it was tablets for depression and anxiety.

She knows about it well all idols take it.

She looked around the bottle this tablets has heavy dose not normal one which they take.
If we don't come out of depression they increase the dose of the tablets .

It was looking like he was facing this from many years almost near a decade.

It was mental depression.

(I don't have much about much idea about it I just did some research based on that am writing ).

"What happening tae how much your hiding "she sobbed hugging taehyung.

"Plz don't leave tae plz be safe ".

After some time she took olders shoes .and covered him with bedsheets.

Jennie went I side other room that night she didn't stopped crying.

" we runied his life ma "she mumbled remembering her mom .
Tears were not stopping from her eyes.

In morning.

She got and went down .

"When did you came taehyung "asked looking at Jennie he was little surprised by her .

"I came at night tae I thought to surprise you but I was super sleepy so slept in room.".she lied .

Taehyung noded his head today is last day shoot he doesn't want to go away from younger this soon but he doesn't have any option drama will end .

"Ok eat breakfast and go home "taehyung said and went out .she wants to talk with the older but it's not correct time.

Jungkook woke up with head ache last night again he cried today is there last .he was missing spending time with older and after rejection older was hardly taking to him the news did nothing Good for him telling Jennie spends most of weeks at taehyung apparment.

He freshed at went to the set he was feeling all gloomy today it was like some one was taking his happiness away.

He know they will hardly met after this series.

"Are you okay "jin asked .

" Yes hyung just light headache ".

Younger answer .he saw older entering the set .it was frustrating him more that how older acting so different .

They should stood there position the final scene. Taehyung held younger hand they stood facing each other .

Younger can older eyes were little gloomy.

"Thank you for loving me baby .I promise I will keep you all safe from this I will treasure you baby .you are most precious jewel I got bub thanks you so much".
Taehyung said .

"I love you too my dear hubby "younger said smiling at him .he can see taehyung again changed his lines .it like he wants to express something from his eyes .

For taehyung it was enough for him he saw younger beautiful smile .

He moved closer to hug him but he didn't saw he wire on floor which made him stumble .he falled on younger which made lips directly contact bare skin on shoulder.

Jungkook closed his eyes and held taehyung's waist .as soon he felt those wet lips on him.he furred at his touch.he felt heaven having older this close .but dating news flashed in his mind.anger took over him.his mind wasn't working .he pushed older hardly and slapped him on left cheek.


Plz share your thoughts.

Me after writing this chapter:

And also we are not done there're more

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And also we are not done there're more .

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