Their Story Begins Again

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This is trailing off from season 5 episode 13...

Arthur lays in Merlins arms, having just closed his eyes and dropped his hand from previously gripping his hair.

Merlin screams out, calling Kilgharrah in his most desperate of cries. Like clockwork, the great dragon arrives within seconds.

Kilgharrah: Young warlock.. I fear it may be too late for the king for now...


Merlin was shaking holding Arthur tight in his grasp, eyes streaming with tears. He cannot fail. He will not stop.

Kilgharrah: I feel not even my powers will be enough.... However I will allow you to try.

With those words Kilgharrah gently breathes a gold cloud over Merlin, giving all the knowledge he can provide. There is much doubt that anything he bestowed will help, but it is worth any effort.

Merlin gasps and his eyes open wide, trying to process the new thoughts running through his mind. Merlin takes a breath and lays Arthur gently on the ground. He wipes his eyes with his sleeves and places both of his hands on Arthurs chest. Hes not dead yet, theres still the faintest of pulses.

Merlin begins chanting.

Over and over, pushing down on Arthurs heart every few breaths he takes. Kilgharrah watches in silence, he knows there is next to no hope but sees the warlocks determination and remains silent.

Merlin lets out a small whimper before he tries again... Nothing, Arthurs pulse grows very tired.

Merlin looks down at Arthur, emotion leaves his face, nothing left but a stare, a stare that curtains the memories that are running through his head.

Merlin: I will not let you die.

Merlin collects himself and begins chanting again, in a much lower octave than before, the ground that surrounds them begins to quake. The trees begin to blow. Kilgharrahs eyebrows furrow, what is happening. Such power consumes the small warlock.

Merlin finishes the chant and one last pump of Arthurs chest, he falls back from exhaustion, the trees and ground grow still.... Merlin begins to cry, clenching his fist close to his face.

Kilgharrah: Oh young warlock... You have tried your best, it is a power not even I can overcome-

Kilgarrah is cut of as his eyes widen at the sight of something... Merlin lays where he fell back, not crying anymore and wide eyed also. In his open hand is the chip of the sword that was embedded in Arthurs chest.

Merlin looks up at Kilgarrah then quickly shuffles to Arthur.

Arthurs colour returns to his face and his breathing strengthens.

Merlin: I did it... I DID IT!

Merlin looks back towards Kilgarrah, both of them echange smiles and laughs of joy.

Merlin: Thank you... I will never forget this.

Kilgarrah smiles.

Kilgarrah: It has been the gratest honour playing a part at your side young warlock. Many have underestimated you before, and it seems I too fell victim to that just now.

The great dragon extends his wings and gives a bow.

Kilgarrah: Until the next time Merlin.

Kilgarrah flies away, leaving Merlin with the biggest grin on his face, his attention is then brought back to Arthur, as he begins to toss and mumble.

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