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Morning arrives and Arthur is wiping his eyes, he opens his eyes and doesn't understand his surroundings for a moment.

Arthur looks behind him and sees no one there. That's right, he came to sleep in Merlins bed. Where is Merlin?

Arthur sits up and pushes his hair back. Maybe he scared Merlin off with what happened... Which is understandable but, would he really leave without saying anything? Arthurs mind ponders the worst. Suddenly Merlin walks in to the room with Arthurs breakfast.

Arthur: Merlin...

Merlin looks at Arthur and smiles as usual.

Merlin: Morning sire!

Arthur: I thought youd-

Merlin: Thought id what?

Merlin says, nonchalantly opening the curtains.

Arthur sheilds his face and rolls his eyes.

Arthur: Nevermind. What's happening today?

Merlin helps Arthur out of bed and dresses him.

Merlin: We have a council meeting as usual, and then you are to train with the knights.

Arthur: Ah, of course... I feel like I haven't trained in a while.

Arthur sits and eats his food, he then suddenly drops his spoon and glares at Merlin.

Merlin is confused and startled at the scary look Arthur is giving.

Merlin: W-what...?

Arthur: Why are you acting normal?

Merlin: I'm not sure what you mean sire?

Arthur holds his finger out threateningly.

Arthur: You know what I mean.

Merlin gulps and laughs.

Merlin: Nothing went on last night if thats what you're talking about, wink wink!

Merlin acts awkward, in trying to tell Arthur indirectly that he was warned to not mention it again, so that is what he is doing. Arthur takes the hint and softens his expression.

Arthur: Right.... I see.

Merlin smiles awkwardly.

As the morning goes on Merlin and Arthur head for the council room, there they meet Gaius, Percival, Leon and everyone else.

The meeting draws on, all about boring taxes and mechant agreements. Merlin finds himself falling asleep most of the time. Gaius is there to keep him in shape though.

And finally the meeting is over and Merlin and Gaius walk out together as usual. Arthur goes the opposite way to prepare for training.

Gaius: How was your first night in your new chambers Merlin?

Merlin, looking over his shoulder to make sure Arthur is out of sight, then pulls Gaius to one side in a nook, in the hallway.

Gaius: Merlin! What is it?

Merlin: I need your help with something...

Gaius: What kind of help?

Merlin sighs and clicks his tongue, he swore not to mention what happened last night, but that doesnt mean he cant ask Gaius questions related to the subject at hand.

Merlin: Two men, being lovers... Is it unheard of?

Gaius raises his brow and looks at Merlin.

Merlin: What? Im asking on behalf of someone.

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