Careless Lovers

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Arthur and Merlin lay in merlins bed, both still sound asleep as the sun has barely risen.

Suddenly a creak of the door is heard and Arthurs eyes snap open and he pushes Merlin under the covers.

Merlin awakes with a startle and his cry out of shock is muffled by Arthurs hand.

The door opens and in walks Gwaine.

Arthur: sir Gwaine.

Gwaine:..... Sire...? Why are you in Merlins bed... Wheres Merlin?

Merlins eyes are wide, he begins to panic but he is still.

Arthur: Um... Well... My bed was infested with wood worm. I refused to sleep in such conditions so i swapped with Merlin.

Merlin rolls his eyes under the quilt.

Gwaine: Still giving him a hard time eh?

Gwaine begins to walk around the room.

Arthurs eyes follow him as he gulps.

Gwiane: You know... You and Merlin are different these days, he surprised you with magic so powerful, he brought back your mother.

Arthur gulps a little then shrugs.

Arthur: Hes a faithful manservant and count sorcerer, why wouldnt he please his king.

Merlin flicks Arthurs leg causing Arthur to jerk slightly and let out a grunt which he covers with a fake clearing of the throat.

Gwaine looks up and down Arthur suspiciously.

Gwaine: I think youre hiding something.

Gwaine begins to lean in, Merlin begins to panic so he peeks out the sheets to use magic to knock over the water jug on the table.

With a crash Gwaine turns around to look at the jug, Merlin uses this as a chance to jump out the covers and slide under the bed, Arthur watches in disbelief and annoyance.

Gwaine snaps his head back to Arthur and Arthur nervously smiles.

Arthur: Must have been the wind...

Gwaine chuckles and moves the quilt.

Arthur is exposed yet he is wearing his night trousers.

Gwaine: Ive got my eye on you sire.

Arthur: Whatever you say Gwaine, theres nothing going on.

Gwaine chuckles and looks around as he exits the room.

Gwaine: See you round sire.

Gwaine shuts the chamber door and Merlin pops his head out over the bed.

Merlin: Is he gone?

Arthur: Finally yes.

Arthur sighs then smacks Merlin over the head.

Merlin: OW?! What was that for?!

Arthur: You couldve been spotted you idiot!

Merlin: I would have if i stayed under the quilt you clotpole!

Gwaine chuckles, Arthur and Merlin snap their heads to the door to see Gwaine peeking through.



Gwaine suddenly smirks and runs off.

Arthur jumps out of bed and chases him.

Merlin hesitates out of shock then follows.

Gwaine is running through the empty halls with Arthur and Merlin not far behind.

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