Quest Continued

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The sun begins to rise and Merlins eyes slowly open. He looks around and sees Arthur already awake and petting the horses.

Merlin: Morning.

Arthur looks at Merlin and smiles.

Arthur: You're finally up.

Merlin yawns and stretches.

Merlin: It wasnt the comfiest nights sleep.

Arthur chuckles and mounts his horse.

Arthur: Come on. Lets get going.

Merlin nods and mounts his horse, and the two begin to ride.

After an hour of meaningless talk Merlin remembers something suddenly.

Merlin: Oh yehhhh, remember when you did that quest to prove yourself to Camelot?

Arthur: You mean the quest you and Gwaine ruined.

Merlin: Excuse me, without us you'd be wyvern food.

Arthur chuckles and nods.

Arthur: Yes I remember, we retrieved the fisher kings trident.

Merlin: Well... When I got trapped in that room, I met him. He sat on the throne holding the trident.

Arthur: Ok, now you're making this up Merlin.

Merlin: No really! He was! He had been waiting for a new time, he was suffering... He asked me to put an end to his suffering..

Arthur: You didn't kill him did you?

Merlin: No... Morganas bracelet that she gifted you that day did.

Arthur: Thats right... The bracelet, I completely forgot about that... Was is dangerous?

Merlin: It was basically sucking the life from you the longer you wore it.

Arthur: I knew I didnt feel right that day.

Arthur clenches his fist, he was fooled many times by the witch.

Arthur: I feel so blind.

Merlin: You're not Arthur. I was over cautious, always sneaking about to find this information. I remember the night I followed Morgana for the first time, she met up with Morgause and I was caught.

Arthur turns to Merlin.

Merlin: If it wasnt for Kilgharrah, I would've died that night, no doubt.

Arthur: I don't understand something...

Merlin looks at Arthur and raises his brows.

Arthur: Morgana knew about you knowing... Why did neither of you try and make the other fall?

Merlin: Morgana threatened me with the fact that no one would believe my word over hers... And she was right. And Morgana knew this, it's probably why she didn't waste her time on me at that time.

Arthur: I see...

Merlin: Im sorry I never told you...

Arthur: No... No it's alright Merlin

Suddenly out of no where an arrow shoots Merlin in the leg, the sudden attack causes the horse to dismount Merlin.

Merlin: ACK!

Arthur: MERLIN!

Arthur jumps off his horse and grabs Merlin, he runs him to a small blind spot from the hills that surrounded them.

Arthur pulls the arrow out from Merlins leg and keeps pressure on it.

Merlin: Agh...!?

Arthur: Must be saxons...

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