A Change Of Heart

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Sunlight hits Arthurs eyes, he scunches up his face and opens his eyes slightly. It appears it is not the chambers he is used to. He rolls on his back and realises he is laid in Melrin's bed. He sits up slightly, suddenly Merlin enters.

Merlin: Good morning sire!

Arthur: Did I really sleep here all night?

Merlin hands him his breakfast as normal.

Merlin: I was going to ask you that my lord...

Merlin sits on the chair beside him. Arthur eats in bed, not exactly what he is used to but he does not mind.

Merlin: Why did you stay?

Arthur looks at Merlin then at his book on the side and points to it.

Arthur: I got reading that thing... I guess I fell asleep.

Arthur finishes his food and stands up, Merlin takes his plate and gets his clothes.

Arthur: What- you brought my clothes?

Merlin nods.

Arthur: How long have you been awake?

Merlin: A few hours, my arm was soaked with drool, it made it hard to sleep.

Merlin chuckles and Arthur glares and grabs the plate from the side to throw at him.

Arthur goes to throw it and Merlin dodges, but at the same time Gaius opens the door, but just before it hits him Merlin uses magic to stop the plate.

Gaius: Good morning my lord....

Arthur: Apologies Gaius.

Gaius nods and raises his brow at Merlin, Merlin smiles bashfully.

Gaius: You both need to hurry up, the laws wont change themselves.

Merlin and Arthur nod and get ready.


Arthur and Merlin enter the courtroom, in there is Gaius, Gwen and the people of court, Arthur must decree the law about the practice of magic to be vanquished. He makes his vows and goes to sign, but before he does he looks at Merlin.

Arthur: Merlin, by doing this I am going against everything my father taught me. People will still be judged on the actions they take. However, I lack knowledge of magic.

Merlin looks at him intently.

Arthur: I need you at my side as court sorcerer.

Merlins eyes widen, he takes a moment to process this, he then nods and smiles.

Arthur smirks, looks down and signs.

Arthur: Magic is now legal.

The court room claps and Merlin bows to Arthur. Arthur then pats Merlin on the shoulder

Arthur: We need to get you some proper clothing, cant have the court sorcerer wearing that awful attire.

Arthur ruffles Merlins hair and Merlin pushes him playfully.

Gwen smiles at them both, still masking her melancholy feeling. She stands and walks out the courtroom, Gaius notices and follows her.

Gaius: My lady?

Gwen: Gaius, you must be proud.

Gaius: More than I've ever been... I cant help but notice, something troubling you my lady?

Gwen takes a moment, and a small sigh.

Gwen: When there was uncertainty about Arthurs return, I feared being queen.

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