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Once the knights collected all the wood and mud they could carry, with the help of Merlins magic they lugged it back to Camelot ready for the soldiers to begin bulding. When the knights return

Merlin and Arthur drop by Gaius' room to check he hadnt been eaten or equally to check Aithusa hadnt been kicked out.

Merlin knocks and peeks his head round the door.

Arthur: Merlin what is taking so long just go in-

Merlin places his finger on Arthurs lips then points to the gap in the open door.

Arthur peers in and there lays Gaius on his bed asleep, Aithusas head lays peacefully on his stomach also sound asleep.

Arthur chuckles softly then nods acknowledging.

The two make their way down the hall.

Suddenly Gwaine comes out of nowhere and wraps his arms around each of their shoulders pulling them close.

Gwaine: Hows it going boys... you coming to the tavern for a quick drink?

Arthur: Gwaine its almost midnight..

Gwaine: Thats when the party always begins my friend.

Arthur shoves gwaines arm off his shoulder. And crosses his arms.

Arthur: I am yoir king remember?

Gwaine scoffs and rolls his eyes.

Gwaine: Well.. looks like ill just have to....NOW PERCVIAL

Suddenly Percival comes charging our of the same direction Gwaine came from, he scoops Merlin over his shoulder and the teo start running away from Arthur.


Arthur begins running after them with his sword out.

Gwaine and Percvial are laughing and Merlin holds his mouth, all the running percvial was doing was causing him to have a bumpy ride...a bit too bumpy.

Percvial: Dont puke on my shoudler Merlin.

Merlin: Trying... not to...

Gwaine carries on laughing and eventually they all make it inside the tavern. Arthur stood out of breath eyeing down percival and gwaine.

Arthur: Right....both of you are in the stocks tomorrow morning.

Gwaine: even if we buy you a drinkkkk?

Arthur: yes.

Percival: what about if we buy you two.

Arthur rolls his eyes.

Gwaine then gets up and whispers something into Arthurs ear.

Arthurs eyes widen slightly then he scoffs like hes embarrassed. But after a gulp he closes his eyes and nods in agreement. Percival fists the air and Merlin sits terribly confused.

Merlin: what the hell did you say...?

Merlin says to Gwaine and Gwaine sinks in his seat clicking at the waitress.

Gwaine: Youll find out soon enough magic boy.

Merlin looks at Arthur and Arthur awkwardly smiles then scowles as he looks away like hes embarrassed of all his actions right now.


After an hour or so, Gwaine is once again drunk as hell, Percival is passed out snoozing on his shoulder. Arthur is a lottle tispy and Merlin is sat supporting him.

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