The Knights Quest

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Merlin is standing over Arthur waiting for him to wake up. He has not opened the curtains yet, purley because he wants to look at him sleep a little longer. Nothing creepy about it, just seeing his king in a new light.

Merlin whispers quietly to himself looking at the king.

Merlin: His nose hairs are sticking out... His hair is a mess too. Mouth gaping while he sleeps... I see the king no one else does.

Merlin sniggers to himself and looks at Arthurs chest. He ponders for a moment then slaps himself.

Merlin: Ow... Well that thought never crossed my mind..

Arthur: What thought?...

Arthur says groggy as he was awakened by the sound of Merlin slapping himself.

Merlin: N-Nothing, good morning sire.

Merlin quickly opens the curtains and Arthur yawns and sits up.

Merlin: We ride out today!

Arthur: Oh yes, we are to bring back Gwaine Elyan and Lancelot.

Merlin nods and dresses Arthur, he had already been to fetch breakfast and it is waiting on the table.

Arthur: How long have you been up, you shouldve woken me.

Arthur sits and eats.

Merlin: Well I was just-

Arthur: Were you staring at me Merlin?

Merlin: W-what no, gross...

Arthur chuckles and continues eating.

Merlin: I am going to quickly run and tell Gaius our plans.

Arthur wafts his hand as if to say alright.

Merlin walks out.


Merlin walks into Gaius' chambers.

Gaius: Merlin! You didn't turn up for supper last night, is everything alright my boy?

Merlin: Y-yes! Sorry me and Arthur were....

No, he cant tell Gaius.

Merlin: We were.... Figuring out how to bring Gwaine, Elyan and Lancelot back!

Gaius: Merlin, toying with life and death is dangerous. You know the world demands something in return everytime.

Merlin: Yes. It demands life. Not necessarily human life.

Gaius raises his brow, hes never thought of that before.

Gaius: You're going to use animals I take it? Do you really think it'll work Merlin.

Merlin: There is a spell specifically for noblemen. As long as they didn't die a hundred years ago, theres a chance...

Gaius: Ah... Possibly... But don't get your hopes up, I've never heard of such a thing.

Merlin: We have to try Gaius.

Gaius nods and pats Merlin on the back.

Merlin dresses in his red robe, it is the first time he has wore it, sewn into the lining is chainmail, just like the ones the knights wear. Merlin smiles and puts it on. He walks out and spins.

Merlin: Don't I just look like a Knight of Camelot?

Gaius: Merlin you really do! Arthur must care a lot about you.

Merlin stops spinning and sucks his lips into an awkward face.

Merlin: Y-yep.

Gaius: What is it?

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