Aithusa's Future

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Merlin and Arthur are covered in gaia berries and are sneaking through the cave that bare the Wilddeoren. They both have a torch in hand, lit by Merlin of course.

Arthur: So whats the plan exactly?

Merlin: Im.... Not entirely sure.

Arthur rolls his eyes and grips his sword.

Merlin: We can't kill them remember they have to be living.

Arthur: Forgive me Merlin, but wasn't it you who was cowering like a little girl the first time?

Merlin laughs a bit.

Merlin: That was because i couldnt use my magic freely.

A loud snarl and patters of feet echo the walls.

Arthur and Merlin startled both put put their torches and duck behind a rock. Side by side pushed up against one another.

Arthur: (Whispers) Ok... We really need a plan now Merlin.

Merlin: (Whispers) Ok... We need three, so we will create a distraction, then I will come from behind and neutralise them.

Arthur: (Whispers) Ok good.. How do we distract them?

Merlin: Like this.

Merlin plucks an eyebrow hair from Arthurs head, and Arthur lets out an uncontrolled yell.

Arthur: OwWW?!!

Merlin quickly runs off and the Wilddeoren make their way to where Arthur is. Merlin stands behind them and neutralises to with a chant. The two Wilddeoren drop to the floor unconscious.

Arthur stands up and looks at Merlin furious.

Arthur: I swear to god Merlin I will have your head one day.

Merlin laughs and shrugs.

Merlin: It worked didnt it?

Suddenly a Wilddeoren comes charging down the tunnel and jumps for Merlin.

Arthur: MERLIN?!

Merlin is struggling to keep the Wilddeoren away from biting his face but is struggling bad.

Arthur runs over and pushes it out the way, but it jumps on Arthur instead and bites his arm a little.

Arthur yells in pain.


Merlin nods and stands he then neutralises the third and Arthur pushes it off him.

Both men are out of breath. Merlin goes to pull Arthur up and then looks at his wound.

Arthur: Its just a scratch Merlin.

Merlin rolls his eyes and holds his hand over the cut, he chants a spell and Arthurs wound heals before their eyes.

Arthur: All those times youve healed me. How stupid was I not to notice.

Merlin: I was just really good at hiding it.

Arthur smiles and takes Merlins hand from holding his wound and bring it to his lips to kiss.

Merlin: Again... Why am I the woman?!

Arthur: Because you act like a woman Merlin. Cmon we cant waste time.

Arthur starts walking.

Merlin: Um... Arthur we need to carry these Wilddeoren out?

Arthur: Use magic or something

Arthurs continues walking and laughing a little, Merlin rolls his eyes and uses magic to move the Wilddeoren one by one out of the cave.

After all three Wilddeoren are out Merlin is out of breath from using his magic so much.

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