Keep Your Mouth Shut

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Arthur and Merlin finally attend the court. Nothing too interesting happens other than talk about welcoming fellow sorcerers and some plans to further negotiate peacefully with them.

Gwen is also present and happily presenting her ideas, she is still forever loved by the village people which makes her perfect for her new roles.

Arthur is talking to the court room, stating the future plans for Albion, when Merlin gets lost for a moment.

Hand under his chin staring at Arthur. He gulps and his mind flicks back through last night. He never, in a million years thought he'd see that side of his king... He blushes and his eyes soften.

Gaius sits beside Merlin and notices he isnt paying attention, so gives him a quick nudge which snaps Merlin back to reality.

Merlin smiles bashfully and Gaius whispers.

Gaius: Your head seems to be in the clouds Merlin, is everything alright?

Merlin: I'm fine Gaius, just thinking about what to have for breakfast.

Gaius: Its almost noon my boy....

Merlin: W-well... We got caught up this morning, didn't have time to-

Gaius: We?... Does that mean the King hasnt had breakfast either..?

Merlin stutters a bit, he let that one slip. Gaius' mind wonders as he raises a single brow at Merlin. The two then regain attention to Arthur as he wraps up the court.

Arthur: Thank you everyone, We'll have further discussion tomorrow morning.

Everyone rises and leaves, apart from some of the knights, Gwen and Merlin

Merlin walks over to Arthur and smiles a bit, Arthur Smiles back then he quickly breaks the gaze as to not raise suspicion.

Gwaine watches the two and chuckles, he then puts his arm around Percival and Lancelot.

Gwaine: Hey... Why dont we all visit the tavern tonight?

Percival: Im interested...

Lancelot nods and looks at Gwen.

Lancelot: What do you say my lady?

Gwen: I suppose it has been a while since we all got together

Leon: Unfortunately i cant, i have matters to attend to-

Gwaine grabs Leon round the neck.

Gwaine: Matters can waittttt, dont be a sourpuss

Leon grunts and pushes Gwaine off. He then sighs and nods.

Leon: Ok.. One drink.

Elyan: What about you sire?

Arthur glances at Merlin then back at Elyan.

Arthur: Ah... I dont know about tonight...

Gwaine: Are you kidding me? Merlins coming arent you Merlin?

Merlin: I am?...

Merlin looks at Arthur with uncertainty, the two usually get together to spend time alone with one another in the evening.

Arthur: Well then.. I suppose one drink cant hurt. Then its back to shining my boots Merlin.

Merlin sighs then nods.

Merlin: Of course sir.

Gwaine chuckles as do the rest of the knights, they all then separate after agreeing to meet in the evening.


Arthur is reading through some scrolls when Gwaine barges into his chambers.

Arthur: Gwaine. It is common decency to knock before entering. Especially when its your king.

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