Unspoken Secret

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Trailing off from previous part.

Arthur finally removes the towel and sits in the tub.

Merlin begins to wash his hair.

Arthur: We have visitors in a few days time.

Merlin: Of course it's the anniversary of your birth! There'll be so many jesters and performers! And now with magic not outlawed it'll be even more amazing!

Arthur looks up at Merlin. Causing Merlin to stop washing the kings hair.

Merlin: W-what...

Arthur: Nothing... Im glad your people dont have to live in fear anymore.

Merlin: Well... Thats true, but there are still bad people sire.

Merlin rinses Arthurs hair.

Arthur: That is true... But we're free of Morgana now, I doubt there's anyone who wants me killed as much as that.

Merlin: Please dont jinx it my lord.

Arthur chuckles and looks up at Merlin slapping his face with his wet hand.

Arthur: I've got you to protect me, I have no fear.

Arthurs cheesy grin causes Merlin to laugh sarcastically then wipe his face.

Arthur: Any luck on bringing back my mother?

Merlin: Not yet... But, I did find something else which I think we should give a go.

Arthur: Go on...

Merlin gets close to Arthurs face.

Merlin: There is a way to bring back noble men...in other words, knights.

Arthur: Gwaine... Elyan and Lacelot..

Merlin nods.

Arthur: That's amazing! Do you think you can do it?

Merlin: We have to travel back to the lake of Avalon, but it's possible. The only thing is it requires a sacrifice for each life.

Arthur slumps and sighs.

Arthur: Well we can't then.

Merlin: Why not?

Arthur: Merlin we're not murdering people.

Merlin: Who said anything about human sacrifice?

Arthur looks up confused.

Merlin: Youre a hunter aren't you?

Arthur: Animals?

Merlin: Possibly...

Arthur: That just might work...I didnt take you the type to want to end the innocent lives of animals.

Merlin: We could capture wilderin.

Arthur: Of course.

Merlin smiles and grabs a towel and holds it up for Arthur to step out.

Arthur: We ride at dawn Merlin, it's worth a try...

Merlin nods.


The night goes on.

Merlin and Arthur sit at Merlins table, it seems they spend more time in Merlins room than Arthurs these days.

Merlin flicks through his book explaining to Arthur how the spell works. Arthur listens carefully and nods.

Arthur: You know Merlin, you really do amaze me sometimes.

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