Come Home

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Merlin finishes his soup and Hunith wipes his mouth.

Hunith: You gulped that far too quickly Merlin. You'll get hiccups.

Merlin: Tell me now mother..

Hunith puts her cloth down and smiles.

Hunith: There was once two men that stumbled into me while i was collecting herbs one morning. They looked beat, black and blue. One was worse than the other. The stronger of the two looked at me with fear.... God what they mustve been through.

I took them in and did what i could for them, luckily they both recovered slowly... Whilst recovering they stayed here.

Merlin holds his mothers hand.

Merlin: You're so kind mother...

Hunith smiles and holds his hand tight.

Hunith: They did nothing wrong. They told me of their adventures and their fights to be together. I was taken a back by how much they loved one another. I was shocked at first and a little unsure. But i had no opinion really.

Seeing them both care as a man and woman would, love was love at the end of the day.

They were open about their relationship, and the village had its mixed opinions but after a short while they were admired for their bravery, you had the odd person that didn't want to hear about it but we're only human.

Merlin listens and takes this in. He had no idea, and didn't even think of the possibility that others had to go through harsher times.

Hunith: There were a few more i came across that kept to themselves to stay safe, others that walked openly fighting anything that came up against them, its similar to royals that marry servants or women who love women. Theres so many different people in this world Merlin, youre only one of many.

Merlin smiles and nods.

Suddenly a man barges in.

Man: I knew your son coming back would only bring chaos!!

Hunith: What on earth do you mean?

Man: Camelot knights are here! No doubt to rinse us of our stock!!

Merlin suddenly gets up and walks out to see Arthur and the knights arguing with the village folk.

Arthur: We come in peace! We just wish to see Merlin!

Merlin: Arthur?!

Arthur looks at Merlin and jumps off his horse and runs over to him, wrapping his arms around him tight.

The village folks watch in shock and the knights smile.

Huniths eyes widen slightly as she comes to the realisation its of course Arthur thats captured her sons heart. She then smiles and watches.

Arthur: You idiot Merlin.

Merlin frozen in shock at the public display Arthur is making.

Arthur pulls back and hits Merlin round the head.

Merlin:!!!! OW!?


Merlin glares and holds his head.

Arthur whispers.

Arthur: I got caught up do you think that looked genuine?

Merlin cracks a smile and laughs. He nods and stands then bows.

Merlin: Apologies my lord.

Arthur: You will walk home.

Merlin snaps his head up and whispers.

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