Sorcerer's Chambers

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Sunlight hits Arthurs eyelids, causing him to squint then open his eyes. He shades his eyes and wonders where the hell Merlin is to get him up. He sits up and yawns.

Arthur: I swear, he's never here on time these days-

Arthur feels something touching his leg... Oh yeh, that's right... MERLIN SPENT THE NIGHT. Merlin sound asleep, mouth a gape laid beside him, his legs sprawled over the kings.

Arthur rolls his eyes and brings his hand to his head, he rubs his eyes then peeks through his fingers to see if he was imagining it. Nope he's still there. Arthur sighs.

Arthur: What the hell was I thinking last night....

Arthur stands and paces his room a bit, Merlin is taking ages to wake up. Arthur looks around for ideas. Bingo.

Arthur picks up a water jug Merlin left on the table yesterday, still a little full he walks over to Merlin and tips the jug upside down.

Merlin lets out a huge gasp and sits up.


Arthur: Merlin, would you like to explain why your king has awoken before his servant.

Merlin scratches his head, eyes squinty. He then realises he slept in Arthurs bed, his eyes widen and bit and he shoots up out of bed.

Merlin: Apologies sire, I'll go prepare your breakfast.

Merlin begins to walk off.

Arthur: Merlin.

Merlin looks back at him, hair messy and still a little squint eyed.

Arthur: You're not dressed.

Arthur looks to the side as if a little embarrassed but also annoyed. Merlin looks down at himself then back up.

Merlin: Oh right.

Merlin uses magic to grab his robes and puts them on over his clothes, Arthur watches with his usual annoyed look. Merlin trips a little as he runs out, he is such a cluts.

Arthur stares out the window, then shakes his head and shudders suddenly as if to rid a thought away out of confusion and disgust in himself.

Merlin later returns with Arthurs food and in follows Gwen.

Arthur: Guinevere...

Gwen: It's happening today isn't it.

Arthur: Are you sure you will be happier this way?

Gwen nods and smiles, this time no sorrow hides behind, shes ready to be free of her responsibilities as Queen

Arthur smiles back and nods.

Gwen curtsies.

Gwen: My lord.

Gwen then leaves.

Merlin: Well it's a relief to see you both happy that's for sure, I just never would've thought it'd end up like this.

Arthur: You seem the most devistated Merlin.

Arthur rolls his eyes and eats.

Merlin smiles.

Merlin: I'm happy if you're happy sire.

Arthur looks up at Merlin feeling touched but definitely not showing it.

Arthur: You may go, Gaius will be worried, the meeting is in an hour don't forget.

Merlin bows and leaves.


Merlin enters Gaius' chambers.

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