Run From Your Heartbreak

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Morning follows the day of a million emotions. Arthur stretches and wakes up to find himself in his own bed alone. His memory a little hazy but remembers enough to know Merlin didnt spend the night with him.

Speaking of Merlin he is no where to be seen and it already looks late morning.

Suddenly a knock on the door.

Arthur: Enter!

Arthurs throat scratchy and head swirling a little. Suddenly Gaius walks in.

Arthur: Gaius.. How can i help you?

Gaius: sorry sire, Is Merlin here?

Arthur: No he'll be in his chambers he didn't stay here last night...

Gaius: He isnt in his chambers.. Ive been looking for him all morning, hes usually up by now preparing your breakfast and fidning out the scheduling for the day...he was supposed to bring back my medicine back but its still in his room.

Arthur: Well he cant be far away surely...

Arthur gets out of bed and puts on a shirt but doesn't get it quite perfect. He then puts on some trousers and his shoes.

Gaius stares down at Arthurs feet.

Arthur: Well... Come on then?

Gaius: Your shoes are on the wrong feet sire...

Arthur looks down embarrassed.

Arthur: Right...

Arthur swaps his shoes and the two head out.

After asking around and finding no hope they return to Merlins chambers.

Arthur: Where the hell could he have gone?!

Gwen: Calm down Arthur, did you have an argument last night when you returned?

Arthur: No not really? He just asked me if i should be with a woman... Something about whats best for me.

Gwaine: Oh damn thats not good.

Arthur: But it wasnt hardly an argument?

Percvial: And no ones seen him today at all?

Lacelot: I havent..

Eylan shakes his head and Gaius is rumaging through the medicine bag, he finds a letter suddenly.

Gaius: Sire...

Arthur looks and Gaius and snatches the letter to read it.

Im sorry, i thought now magic was legal and Arthur was safe and alive i could live my life at peace.

Unfortunately i cant, ive fallen in love with Arthur, it was good for a short while, until i realised it shouldnt be me... It isnt right. There will be no heir to the throne.

Its too painful to love along side him, tell him ive left and i will never return. Im sorry Gaius, i hope you will visit me at Ealdor. This is where i will stay. Thank you for everything.


Arthur: Knights pack your swords we're going to Ealdor.

Arthur gives the letter back to Gaius.

Leon: But sire... Maybe this is best-

Arthur grabs leons collar once more.

Arthur: Youre making me lose my temper Sir Leon. Did you speak to Merlin before he left.

Leon stays quiet.

Gwaine: come on Leon wouldnt make matters worse right?

Leon remains quiet and looks away.

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