Secret Hero

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Morning comes once again, Arthur and Merlin awake at the same time.

Arthur streches and Merlin retrieves Arthur's boots from the now burnt remains that was the fire.

Merlin puts them back on Arthur and Arthur stands.

Arthur: Another day to go, we should reach Camelot by nightfall.

Merlin nods and the two begin walking.

Merlin: Arthur...

Arthur looks at Merlin as they walk.

Merlin: Whats going to happen... When we reach Camelot.

Arthur looks ahead in thought. It takes him a few heart beats to reply.

Arthur: I dont know yet Merlin.

Merlin trembles and looks down.

Arthur puts his arm around Merlin.

Arthur: One things for certain you wont be executed or exiled.

Merlin sighs of relief and smiles at the King.

Arthur pats his back before letting go and carrying on walking the uneven path.

Arthur: So any more stories about your magic use?

Merlin: Many many more sire.

Arthur: Well get on with it, I need something to entertain this journey.

Merlin laughs.

Merlin: Remember when I drank the poisoned goblet?

Arthur: Now now Merlin, you were out cold that whole day, what could you possibly have done.

Merlin: Well, Gaius told me this actually, I have very vague memory of it. When you was in the cave to get the Mortaeus flower for me. I remember Nimueh leaving you for dead, hanging on a ledge.

Merlins eyes shut, as if he is trying hard to remember.

Arthur's eyes widen for a moment and he suddenly turns to Merlin.

Arthur: The light that guided me that night.... It was you Merlin?

Merlin: Thats it! I conjured a light to help you see your path.

Merlin oblivious to Arthur's stare, is chuckling and triumphant he remembers.

Arthur looks down and lets out a laugh and realises something.

Arthur: You really have been by my side... All this time..

Merlins grin fades as he looks at Arthur, this is a lot of information to take in.

Merlin: Sorry, am I going too fast?

Arthur: No, no... I'm just amazed. Everythings adding up, I had so many unanswered questions in my life up until now. I reckon the more you tell me the easier it will be to understand it all each time.

Arthur smiles.

Merlin looks uneasy at Arthur, is he really ok, hearing all of this? Merlin cant read the kings expression. But he continues non the less.

Merlin: You may feel a little betrayed with this next one...

Arthur: Please Merlin... I think after all I've heard, I'll be alright.

Merlin smiles a little.

Merlin: Remember when Lancelot first came to Camelot, there was a Griffin loose in the forest.

Arthur: Ah yes Lancelot was triumphant that day, he really proved he was a man of honour.

Merlin: He did... He was brave and faced the creature head on, but he had a little help... I was foolish to use a spell so powerful out in the open, not to mention Lancelot heard me.

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