The Kings Birthday

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Arthur was awoken by the sunlight glaring through the window, he rubbed his eyes and sat up eyes closed. He placed his hand out to the other side of the bed, and suddenly his eyes broke open as he looked beside him. Merlin... Wheres merlin?

Arthur: Mer-?!

Merlin: Goooooooood morning sire!

Suddenly Merlin walks through with Arthurs breakfast and starts preparing his clothes. Everything is a little more extravagant than usual. Arthurs breakfast was full of all his favourite things, Merlin picked out the smartest outfit for him to wear and overall the atmosphere was cheery.

Merlin looked well again and very very happy.

Arthur chuckled and rubbed his eyes as he couldnt really believe what he was looking at.

Arthur: Did you wake up a different manservant Merlin?

Merlin: I have no idea what youre talking about sire.

Arthur hops out of bed and Merlin helps him change.

Arthur: Youve brought me a half decent breakfast as well... Are you sure thats you Merlin?

Arthur places his hand on Merlins as he tries to button up Arthurs shirt.

Merlin faintly smiles while avoiding Arthurs gaze as he was shy in the moment but didn't want to show it.

Arthur: Merrrrlin?

Merlin clears his throat and looks up at Arthur as he buttons the last one.

Arthur cracks a smile and take a relived breath, he then places his hand on Merlins cheek gently and changes his tone.

Arthur: Im glad youre feeling better.

Merlin: I suppose i should thank you for that.

Arthur chuckles and moves his face closer to Merlins.

Arthur: and why's that?

Merlin looks at Arthurs lips then at his eyes. The two stare for a beat and just as they are about to close the distance, the chamber doors push open, Merlin and Arthur take a step back immediately from one another.

In walks Gwaine.

Gwaine: Happy Birthday your majesty! When does the feast begin?

Arthur rolls his eyes and Merlin laughs a bit.

Gwaine notices Arthurs breakfast and goes to take some.

Gwaine: Ooo has it started already?

Arthur walks over and bats Gwaines hand away.

Arthur: Dont touch the kings food sir Gwaine.

Gwaine holds his hands up, then quickly steals some bread.

Arthur just misses to catch him and Gwaine runs out.

Merlin chuckles and starts folding Arthurs night clothes. Not paying attention to his surroundings.

Merlin: Gwaines got a lot of bravery, hes always so cheery no matter what time-

Suddenly Merlin is cut off by Arthur walking over to him, grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss.

Merlin freezes, eyes wide. Slowly his eyes close and he gives in to the kiss. Arthur holds Merlins face gently then releases and moves back.

Arthur: Sorry... That was... Necessary.

Merlin sniggers and Arthur clears his throat.

Arthur: Hurry up anyway, i need to eat my breakfast.

Arthur sheepishly storms over to the table and eats while avoiding eye contact with Merlin.

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