A Secret Kept Once More

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Despite the three knights awakening from a long slumber they all konk out extremely tired after walking for hours. Merlin and Arthur sit a few feet apart as to not look suspicious.

Arthur: Well done for bringing them back Merlin. You did well.

Merlin: I cant believe my ears, are you really praising me?

Arthur rolls his eyes.

Arthur: Doesnt make you any less of an idiot.

Merlin chuckles and looks down in thought, a faint sadness overcomes him.

Arthur: Everything alright?

Merlin: I suppose... Its just... I've kept a secret most of my life, and now I have to hide something else...

Merlin looks up at Arthur and smiles sadly.

Arthur frowns.

Arthur: It's only until we figure out what we really want... Im sorry it has to be this way for a while... I just dont know how to go about this.

Merlin smiles and sits back.

Merlin: Its okay. I understand its just, unfortunate thats all.

Arthur looks at the knights asleep then stands and walks over to Merlin, he then sits by his side.

Merlin: Arthur, what are you-

Arthur: Theyre asleep arent they?

Merlin looks at the knights then suddenly down at his hand as Arthur slowly intertwines his fingers with Merlins.

Merlin looks up at Arthur and Arthur stares back for a moment the two then simultaneously look in opposite directions out of embarrassment.

Merlin laughs a little and Arthur clears his throat and holds Merlins hand tighter.

Merlin: When did you realise?

Arthur looks back at Merlin.

Arthur: Realise what?

Merlin: That you felt differently towards me?

Arthur ponders for a moment.

Arthur: When I heard about everything you'd done for me, for the kingdom, I had so much gratitude towards you. Like I wanted to thank you until my lungs gave out.... Seeing you for who you really were... Made me... Change.

Merlin tilts his head. Arthur gets a bit flustered and clears his throat again.

Arthur: Merlin youre the one person thats been there, everytime. Even if you didn't agree with my choices. Even when I didn't believe you or care to hear your opinion. In the back of my mind was always you. I cared so much without realising. You were dear to me. Maybe you've always been more than a friend.

Merlin looks at Arthur and smiles a little feeling smug.

Merlin: You werent to bad yourself, I had to save your backside more times than I can even begin to remember though.

Arthur hits Merlin, and they both laugh quiety. Arthur still holding Merlins hand looks at Merlin. Merlin looks back and the two begin to eliminate the distance between them. Just as they touch lips a groan is heard and the two flinch back and let go of each others hands. Its Gwaine he has woken up.

Gwaine: Sorry nature calls.

Gwaine oblivious and half asleep wanders off to pee. Arthur looks at Merlin and gives a nervous smile. Merlin returns this and the two lay down, not too close to one another, but close enough to touch their fingers.

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