The Lakes Boarder

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Warm sunlight finally makes it's presence causing Merlin to feel a little hot, still a little drowsy he pushes the robe off him and stretches, he is the first to wake this time and he looks over to Arthur. Arthur is fast asleep.

Merlin: He must've had trouble sleeping last night...

Merlin tucks his robe around Arthur before getting up and watering the horses. He also catches a few more fish and uses magic to temporarily freeze them.

Arthur awakes and stretches he picks up Merlins robe and walks over to him.

Merlin: Ah! You're awake sire.

Arthur: That I am.. What are you doing?

Arthur says looking at the weird magically frozen fish.

Merlin: Oh, I'm freezing them so on our way back we have food...

Arthur raises his brows and pats Merlin on the back.

Arthur: Thats not a half bad idea Merlin.

Arthur bends down and washes his face while Merlin puts his robe back on.

Merlin: Did you struggle to sleep last night?

Arthur: A little.... Somebody pulled my arm and entangled me for a while.

Arthur glares at Merlin.

Merlin laughs and is petting his horse.

Merlin: Please... You would kill for something like that to happen.

Arthur scoffs and stands.

Arthur: Oh really?

Merlin is still chuckling when Arthur comes up behind him and whispers.

Arthur: So it was my doing that you kissed me last night?

Merlins expression drops and looks at Arthur.

Merlin: What.

Arthur grins boastfully.

Merlin: I didnt... Did I?

Arthur: Yes Merlin, you practically held me against my will.

Merlin scoffs then glares.

Merlin: You're lying.

Arthur: No I'm not.

Arthur walks up to Merlin and Merlin glares skeptically.

Arthur: You kissed me

Merlin: No... I didnt.

Arthur and Merlin are close together, Arthur looks Merlin up and down then pushes himself forward and kisses Merlin. Before Merlin can react Arthur mounts his horse.

Arthur: Im the king Merlin.

Merlin goes to speak but then looks to the side and glares.

Merlin: Clot pole.

Arthur: I heard that..

Merlin mounts his horse and the two set off, they continue meaningless conversation once more, it's as if their actions towards each other are brushed under the rug yet, it is very vivid in both their minds but neither one questions it or talks about it at all.

Arthur wonders, does Merlin feel as he does? Confused and drawn. He has no explanation for kissing Merlin just now other than he wanted to. He did it because he wanted to. Merlin kissed him last night, surely he was dreaming about something....

Merlin wonders, He knew his dream felt too real. All that overthinking about the night they kissed in his chambers, caused him to dream about Arthur. He was together with him, it was only a brief moment he saw Arthur directly infront of him and he took his opportunity, little did he realise that wasnt part of the dream. Is he really falling for his king?

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