The Knights Return

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Arthur and Merlin stand at the lake side by side.

Arthur: How much longer until these things wake up...

Merlin: Not long, I should start now.

Arthur nods and steps back.

Merlin takes out a dagger that he had in his satchel. He begins to chant, deep and loud. He drives the dagger into each of the Wilddeoren. The blood that followed flowed out into the lake. Merlin still chanting calls out the names.

Merlin: Gwaine.... Elyan.... Lancelot...

Arthur watches the blood in the water swirl and bend to Merlins chants.

Merlins chant comes to an end and the blood disappears into the ripples of the water. The lake grows still and the wind slows down.

Arthur: (Whispers) Did it work?...

Merlin shrugs and the two watch the water. Nothing is happening. Merlin sighs.

Merlin: It didnt work...

Arthur puts his hand on Merlins shoulder.

Arthur: You gave it your best Merlin... Maybe it meant people of noble blood? Just because they were knights doesnt mean they had the blood of a knight..

Merlin: Gwaine did.... His father was a knight.

Arthur tilts his head.

Arthur: W-what...

Suddenly emerging from the water in the distance a figure stands in crimson and silver.

Arthur and Merlins eyes widen and look out into the water. There stands Gwaine...

Merlin: G-Gwaine?!

Arthur lets out a small laugh and smiles in disbelief.

Gwaine shakes his hair and puts his finger in his ear.

Gwaine: Theres so much water in my ears.

Merlin laughs as does Arthur, the two help Gwaine reach land and they all give a hug.

Merlin: Is it really you?!

Gwaine: As far as I'm aware Merlin, what the hell happened?

Arthur: You don't remember anything?

Gwaine: I remember Morgana.... Then darkness.

Gwaine shrugs and smiles then suddenly the water bursts again and the three flinch and look out to the water. Another figure stands there. Its Elyan.

Merlin laughs and jumps in the air.

Merlin: ELYAN?!

Arthur: Merlin you're not an idiot after all!

Arthur grabs Merlin and gives him a noogie

Gwaine looks at the two then back at Elyan.

Gwaine: I have never been so confused. But that right there is Elyan!

Gwaine goes to help Elyan out the water. And gives him a pat on the back.

Elyan: W-why was I in a lake...

Gwaine: My thoughts exactly.

Merlin: If Elyan emerged and hes not of noble blood then....

Arthur: That means....

Gwaine & Elyan: What?

And like clockwork, the water bursts up again. Arthur and Merlin smile and Arthur once again pats Merlin on the back. Gwaine and Elyan watch and out walks Lancelot. They did it, they rose the dead back to life.

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