The Kings Mind Begins To Open

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Dawn finally comes. The rays of sun hit Merlin's face, making him squint and open his eyes slightly to see Arthur not where he previously was.

He darts up looking around.

Merlin: Arthur?... ARTHUR?!

Arthur comes from behind him and pushes him.

Arthur: Dont be such a girl Merlin.

Merlin sighs of relief and chuckles a bit.

Merlin: You look in good health!

Arthur: Yes its as if I never got stabbed at all... I feel great, thank you again Merlin.

Merlins grin grows as he is not used to hearing those words so often, and for using his magic especially.

Arthur: Come on, lets get moving.

Merlin nods and follows.


As the two walk through the trees, being careful not to be spotted by passing saxons. Arthur looks at Merlin.

Arthur: So... From the beginning, I know you cheated and used magic when we fought for the first time.

Merlin smirks and looks down, Arthur cracks a smile.

Arthur: Go from there.

Merlin: Right... A few days after we had the Lady Helen as a guest, to sing at the feast.

Arthur: Yes that right... But it turned out not to be her, I remember

Merlin nods.

Merlin: When she was singing, I noticed everyone was slowly drifting off, cobwebs began to form. So I covered my ears and tried to drown out the melody.

Arthur: You really arent dumb...

Merlin: I saw her get out a knife and aim for you, I looked up and saw she was directly under the chandelier, so I used my magic to break it, causing it to fall on her.

Arthur stops walking and looks at Merlin.

Merlin stops too.

Arthur: You caused the chandelier to fall... This is all making sense now. How did I not see it before?

Merlin shrugged and smiled a little. He felt strange telling the king the secrets he has kept for many years.

Arthur: You saved me that day, It's what got you a position in the royal household... Did you use magic to save me?

Merlin: Y-yes I did. When she threw the knife, I used my magic to slow time for a moment, giving me chance to reach you and pull you out of harms way.

Merlin is using twigs to show Arthur how it worked.

Arthur is left dumbfounded.

Arthur: I dont understand something, we hated each other... Why on earth did you save me?

Merlin: I was told you where my destiny. From the very beginning I was informed you would unite Albion and be the greatest king to ever live. The king who would allow magic to be accepted once more in Camelot.

Arthur takes this in and looks down in thought.

Arthur: Who told you that?

Merlin hesitates. He carries on walking, causing Arthur to follow in curiosity.

Arthur: Well Merlin?

Merlin: ...The great dragon that lived beneath the castle.

Arthur stops again, there is so much information to process and accept. He trembles a little as all he knows about the great dragon, is he tried to destroy Camelot in a blind rage.

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