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Merlin halts the spell that helped Gwaine and Arthur, Gaius smiles and pats him on the back. Gwen, Elyan and Lancelot all went back to keep an eye on the castle and the Camelot guards are not on patrol.

Gaius: Well done my boy.

Merlin smiles, then frowns and looks at Percival.

Merlin: Who could've done this...?

Gaius: Im not sure Merlin. But i do know were dealing with someone very powerful.

Merlin sighs and nods.


Gwaine and Arthur are making their way back along with Aithusa following behind the horses.

Gwaine is extremely quiet.

Arthur looks over at him and reaches over his horse to pat him on the back.

Arthur: Cmon Gwaine, cheer up...weve got it, hes gunna be fine!

Gwaine looks at Arthur and swallows.

Gwainie: I think I like men.

Arthur chokes on his own spit and coughs then nervously laughs.

Arthur: Right...

Gwaine sighs and rolls his eyes then gets heated.

Gwaine: Ok ok, enough. I dont know exactly.

Arthur still chuckles a bit and sarcastically asks-

Arthur: What made you have this revelation then hm?

Gwaine glares at the king and then laughs weakly.

Gwaine: Forget it.

Arthur: Ill give you some advice Gwaine, you wont know until you try to find out.

Gwaine looks at Arthur and nods lost in thought. Couls he really like Percival that way? And what if Pervical has no feelings like that whatsoever. Its not like the maidens that will fall at his feet and swoon, its a 6ft hench man....

Gwaine shakes his head as if to rid the thoughts, the most important thing right now is saving Percival.


Arthur Gwaine and Aithusa return. They run into the tavern where Merlin still hand on Percivals chest and Gaius sat by him.

Merlin smiles and laughs, Gaius greets the men with a pat on the back and Gwaine passes the flower to him. Gaius starts making the potion he made for Merlin, then stops and looks at everyone, no one is really paying attention. Gaius mumbles some words and Merlins ears perk up. Arthur looks at Merlin then Gaius. Gaius uses the magic he did once before and the potion changes.

Merlin: Gaiusssssssss

Gaius turns and looks at Merlin and tells him to hush.

Arthur: I didnt know you delved into magic.

Gaius: Hardly sire....only medicine and only when absolutely necessary.

Arthur chuckles and then see Gwaine biting his nails watching from afar.

Merlin watches too, then locks eyes with Arthur, Arthur nods slightly and Merlin nods back.

Gaius pours the potion into Percivals mouth. It works a lot quicker than when Merlin was sick as they got the quest done much faster. Percivals breathing returns to normal and his colour comes back. Gwaine then suddenly rushes out.

Gwaine: Ill put the dragon away.

Merlin and Arthur and Gaius watch him leave in confusion when suddenly Percival starts to mumble.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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