Remnants Of A Father

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Arthur runs quickly out the tavern to catch up with Leon.

Arthur: Sir Leon!

Arthur grabs Leons shoulder and pulls him back a little.

Leon: Sorry sire i wish to turn in for the ni-

Arthur: Dont give me that. You went silent after what was said.

Leon: I do not wish to intervene my lord-

Arthur interrupts as he pushes Leon back a little.

Arthur: You dissaprove?

Leon stays silent and doesnt look at anything but the ground beneath him.

Arthur: Why.

Leon: Its tradition... To marry a wom-

Arthur slaps Leon.

Leon falls back holding his face.

Arthur: Tradition? Was magic a tradition?

Leon: N-no

Arthur: How about knighting men who arent nobles?

Leon stays quiet and looks at Arthur.

Arthur quickly grabs his collar and pulls him in.

Arthur: I am not my father Leon. I thought you were accepting, kind. Understanding...

Leon looks at Arthur.

Leon: Im sorry my lord. I just want what is best for the kingdom... Ive served under your father for too long it seems. Its a change.

Arthur lets Leon go gently and brushes off his clothes.

Arthur: A change you will get used to. Or you will be exiled.

Leons eyes widened a little.

Arthur walks back into the tavern, leaving Leon with his owns thoughts.


Back in the tavern Gwaine is already drunk out his mind along with Pervical and Elyan tipsy.

Gwen is providing water to help them sober, but they all laugh and fool around too much.

Merlin is rummaging through his medicine bag to find some remedies for Gwaine as hes borderline paralytic.

Merlin looks up to see Arthur.

Arthur sits down angrily and downs his tankerd.

Merlin: It went well then...?

Arthur glares at Merlin and orders another.

A little later...

Gwaine: DoNt LIstEn tO ThAt GroucHY oLd Man!?

Gwaine is now flailing his arms and becomes very passinate, his words sluring.

Arthur is tipsy as well now and percival is asleep on Gwaine and Elyan on Gwen. Lacelot is sat in between Gwen and Merlin watching the scenes.

Arthur: WhEn wIlL evEryOnE acCePt im nOt mY faTheR?!

Gwaine walks over to Arthur leaving Percival to fall on the floor still sound asleep, Gwaine knocks over a few tankerds on his way and flops next to Arthur.

Gwaine: Now ArtHUr, yoOu aRe nOtHing clOooOse To thAt eeeeeViL mAn..

Arthur: wAtcH it hEs sTilL mY fAther!

Arthur goes to swing for Gwaine and Gwaine goes to swing back.

Merlin and Gwen watch and chuckle. Merlin suddenly looks down.

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