Acceptance Of A Mother

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There stands Arthurs Mother, a beaming aura surrounds her. Arthurs mouth gapes and he doesnt blink. His gaze fixed on his mother once more.

Arthur: M-mo.. Moth...

Igraine: Arthur, breathe..

Igraine walks towards Arthur and places her hands on his cheeks. The atmosphere is different to when morgause performed the ritual. Everything seemed calmer... Brighter..

Arthur looks up at his mother, tears streaming slowly and his voice trembling.

Arthur: Theres... There's so much i wish to say but- im... Im finding it.. Hard to-

Igraine pulls Arthur into an embrace and strokes his head. Arthur closes his eyes and is calmed by his mothers words.

Igraine: I know it's hard Arthur, i need you to breathe and know that im here. The last time we met it was shocking and we had so little time to talk properly...

Arthur pulls back and wipes his tears and takes a deep breath.

Arthur: Mother... You said that father was the cause of your death.

Igraine: Arthur, you mistook my words. I told you not to blame yourself, in doing so i tried to place blame elsewhere... I dont believe your father knew all he was doing at that time. Years of sadness and grief he brought magic users, i was ashamed...dissapointed.

Arthur: So he didn't know using magic to create me would kill you?

Igraine: I dont believe so, i know he cared for me deeply.

Arthur holds his head in his hand and takes a huge breath like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. He slumps a bit and his mother holds him once more.

Igraine: Im so proud of who you have become Arthur. You father was blinded by guilt and hatred. We do not rest in the same place.

Arthur: Is this the last time im going to see you...?

Igraine smiles and turns her back to face Merlin, Arthur almost forgot he was still there. Merlin smiles awkwardly.

Igraine: Well... Why dont you ask Merlin that?

Arthur looks at Merlin confused.

Merlin: O-oh well... I can bring her back as many times as you want, all i need is some of my blood each time.

Merlin smiles goofily and suddenly Arthur throws his arms around him. Merlins eyes widen and taps on Arthur.

Merlin: (Whisper) Arthur... Your mother...

Arthur: I dont care.

Merlin looks at Igraine over Arthurs shoulder, she smiles contently, Merlin returns the smile and hugs Arthur tightly.

Arthur pulls back and holds Merlins hand. Merlin is startled as Arthurs hand is far from steady.

Arthur looks over to his Mother and bows. Merlin confused, copies.

Arthur: Mother. I know im far from perfect. I know ive broken many traditions and rules. But i have never been as happy as i am right now. This man beside me has shown me a new world, and together we will build albion. I know this will be hard to hear.... But im in love with him. Hes the person i wish to spend the rest of my days with.

Merlin watches still bowing alongside Arthur in shock and disbelief. Merlin feels Arthurs hand tighten around his and continue to shake. He was so scared.

Igraine takes a deep breath and walks over and lifts the mens heads.

Igraine: Nothing you decide to do Arthur will make me love you any less. Seeing you now gives me all the hope for this world. And Merlin... Thank you for protecting my son, please never leave his side.

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