Confused King

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Arthur and Merlin arrive back in Camelot. Arthur hasn't spoke much on their journey back.

Merlin dismounts his horse, as does Arthur and they are both greeted by Percival and Leon.

Percival: Enjoy your trip?

Merlin: It was...

Arthur: It was a sight to see for sure.

Leon chuckles assuming its just the king joking around

Arthur looks back at Merlin and smiles. Merlin smiles back and the two enter the castle.


The sun begins to set and Merlin is still in Arthurs chambers alone, using magic to wash the floor as he shines the kings boots, sat on the bed. Suddenly Arthur walks in and out of habit Merlin stops using magic and the bucket tips over causing water to spill everywhere.

Arthur looks at the bucket, then at Merlin and rolls his eyes.

Arthur: You know Merlin, since magic has been made legal, I thought you'd stop playing this "dumb, clueless servant" role... I now know that is just how you are.

Merlin laughs nervously and uses magic to pick it up.

Merlin: It's a lot harder to get out of this habit than I thought

Arthur sits on the bed next to Merlin.

Arthur: I'm not surprised, you've been hiding this for so long.

Merlin looks over at Arthur.

Merlin: Did you fear me at first?

Arthur smirks.

Arthur: Not a chance.

Merlin raises his eyebrows and Arthurs smirk disappears.

Arthur: I dont know if I was afraid really... Just confused, I've been raised to hate anything involving sorcery... Yet I couldn't bring myself to hate you.

Merlin, still looking at Arthur grows a faint smile.

Arthur glances at Merlin and clears his throat.

Arthur: Dont be flattered Merlin you still annoy the life out of me.

Merlin laughs and Arthur after.

Merlin: I should be getting back.

Merlin goes to stand but Arthur grabs his arm.

Arthur: Hang on... I want to hear another story.

Merlin: At this hour? Really?

Arthur: I'm not tired anyway.

Merlin shrugs and sits back down.

Arthur questions himself why he didn't want Merlin to leave just now, he blames it on boredom, thats right... He cant sleep so he needs entertainment.

Merlin goes on to explain more stories such as releasing the goblin that posessed Gaius and how he retrieved Aithusa. All of these stories brought shock but mostly laughter and amazement from the King, and of course a little bit of teasing.

Arthur: God Merlin, Theres so much.

Merlin nods.

Merlin: It's been eventful...

Merlin laughs and looks at Arthur, to find him looking back at him.

Arthur stares for a moment and his eyes make their way to Merlin's lips once more. But his eyes did not stop there, they trailed down his chin to his adams apple that was just barely visible under his scarf. Arthur gulps as if his mouth is running dry. Why was he feeling a sudden desire to-

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