Caught Red Handed

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Morning finally breaks, although Arthur and Merlin are the last to wake. As they sleep Gwaine, Elyan and Lancelot surround them, gawking at something unusual.

Merlin and Arthur lay back to back with their fingers touching slighty.

Gwaine: (Whispers) Are you boys seeing what im seeing?

Elyan: (Whispers) I cant tell if this is a joke or on purpose...

Lancelot: (Whispers) Come on they probably just tossed and turned and ended up like that, youre both thinking too much into this.

Gwaine: (Whispers) I dunnoooo maybe theres a different reason the king left the queen.

Gwaine chuckles and Elyan smacks his head playfully.

Suddenly the smack caused Arthur to awaken and the three knights quickly dispersed and acted natural.

Arthur: Youre all up? Why didn't you wake us?

Arthur says stretching, completely oblivious to the knights discussion.

Gwaine: Didnt want to interupt your beauty sleep my lord.

Gwaine smirks and Lancelot hits him on the back.

Lancelot: We should get moving sire, Camelot isnt far ahead now.

Arthur: Right you are Lancelot. MERLIN

Arthur whacks Merlin round the head with his glove to wake him. Gwaine and Elyan look at each other and Whisper amongst themselves.

Elyan: (Whispers) Maybe we did think too much into it...

Gwaine: I think youre right...

Merlin startles awake and has a grumpy expression, he uses his magic to pull his cape up to his neck and closes his eyes again.

Arthur stands and pulls his cape off, causing Merlin to sit up straight.

Merlin: Ok fine.

Merlin still grumpy and groggy stands and puts his cape on.

Lancelot: So you wear a Cape now?

Merlin: Yeah Arthur had two specially made for me, this ones my battle cape.

Arthur sniggers at how ridiculous Merlin sounds.

Gwaine and Elyan look at one another and raise their eyebrows. All mount their horses and begin to ride. And as evening approaches Camelot is in view. They soon reach the gates and the guards are in awe.

Gwen runs out the castle and sees Merlin and Arthur enter, her heart sinks as she assumes they failed. Gaius follows and puts his hand on Gwens shoulder. Suddenly the three knights follow and Gwens and Gaius' eyes widen.

Gwen: They did it.... THEY DID IT

Gaius laughs and the two run to meet them all. Percival and Leon come out the castle doors and their eyes fill with tears and happiness.

Percival: No way....

Leon: Merlin really is the greatest sorcerer there is.

The two look at each other and laugh and runs to meet them.

The three knights dismount their horses and there is many exchanges of words and hugs, to save explaining everything, Merlin and Arthur held a council meeting explaining their ordeal and Camelot welcomed back their fallen knights.

Suddenly Merlin stumbles whilst leaving the courtroom, Gaius supports him and Arthur sees this happen.

Gaius: Merlin?! Are you alright my boy?

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